Ordinance No. 12,231()JUM-NANCE NO, 11231 AN ORDINANCE OF rin cyry COUKKAL OF ME CITY OF BAY'I"OWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND I)IREC"YING TM CITY NIANA(:iF.R AND MY CITRK TC) EXI.CLJ'1'1.-' AND AYFFSTTO A CONTRAcr WITH ANGEL MOMERS ENMRPRISES, 1,11), FOR THE HIRRY ROAD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVFNIENT PROJECT, ALYMORIZING PAYPolarr (01" A SUM OF SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR THOUSANI) WIRE AND NOW DOLLARS (MM03MOY INCLUSIVE OF A FOR"wFivE, THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($45,000.00) (MNER'S CONTINGEM.Y; NIAKIN(J OTHF,R PROVISIONS RELATED TIERM); AND PROVIDING FOR THf-, FFfJ,.,CTIVF', DATt,,TI-IERF,OF, WHEREAS, he City Council of die My or Baytown did advertise for bids For the l,"erry Road Wwry Smer improvement 10ject to be received on April •, 2013, and WHI".REAS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be publicly opwwd and read aloud was published pursuant to p,ovidons of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 251041; and INHIMEAS, ad bids Nvcre opened and publicly read at City Hall at 200 o'clock p.m., Tuesday. April 4, 2013, as per published notice to bidders; NUM TLIEREMRE BE IT OR-DAINI,l) BY HF, CiTYCOUNCIL 01"ITIEC.'FLY section 1; Thal the City Council ofthe City of Baylown hereby accepts [lie bid ofNngel Brothers F.11terprises, LTD. for (lie new, Ferry Rom! SwAwD Sewer liquovernent l0dect according to the plans and specifications set forth by tile City's engineer Jor the li'ase bid alterwites 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, and. 9, and a. FORTY-FIVF, TM)USAND ANf.) MY100 DOLLARS ($45,000.00) owner's confingencyand authorizes payment of an ainount cil'SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-IT)UR TI-I USAND THREE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($634,0(.)3,00); based upon We unit prices specified in We bbl, and the City Manager and be CAI CAM or we City are hereby atithMized and dhvocd to execrate and attest to a contract TAIM Angel Brothers Enterprises, LTD. for the above-described project, said contract containing (lie plans, specificalkmis, ;Ind mciAminents offlic City's engineer and appropriate bond requirernenu in accmAmme with the provisions of-Ilm Mvermuctit Ckid, Clapu 2253, Section 2: 'I"hat pursuant to the provisions orroxas Wcal Government Code Annotaied § 252.0,18, the City Manager is &Q, grzimed gerieral authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase W costs of HFTY THOUSAND AND NO/1100 DOLA,ARS ($50,M)0,00) or less, sidjml to be proviNion dun the original contract price specified in Section I hacarnay not lie increased by more than twenty-five percent (25'1,4')) inclmhng the contingency increase anKoHzed in SecHon 2 hereof' or decreased b, more than twenly-five percent (`25 °' o) without the cmiscro orme contractor to such decrease" Section 3: 'Pis ordWance shall We efruct inimedimely from and after i passage by We City Coumil or me City or Baytown, INTRODUCED, READ artd PASSFD by die aninmitive vane, or the Ci , Co nwH of, w oy or Baymn this the I W day of Aqi[ 2013. A 11-1 [A)l 1[:N-TT I NCAR1,C)S. Mayor W CIt. °SI CIO RAMIREZ, SR,, City Itorney a�uYrod. aap � �r�;���r� oa4u I�irc�U �4in 4:�ai,aso-ril C7r�9etresta k %,<.,yF?fil3'��psa�l 7 r'�r�zti cur GrN�ciry�r"4�adY'+ "r�tiroani yd°�i�n�w•�rlsni9rRxawa rracsi�rtr' "ii.pc �.r ti��e�