v12,229ORA-31NANCA-IM. 12,229 AN ORDINANC-11, THE CINY CMINCTI. (IF IT"? CITY OF :Xe ,%S, AMIAORIZINO THE NIMAZOR AND 1-.XXC)NN1C)I3II. SUNIN41M, YC)IJ-1-it NN" CA"'K R, ANI , ixtri- i tomizirm wwomim- w AN AMOUN'T PqCYI' TO EXCEF-D ONE I-JUNDRED IA 101153AND A 14 ID 540/100 DCA 1. 1 w% It 5; ( 11 1 (MLOOKO(1); AN I I PR,C)V IDING 1: C) R, "I - I I I I-',FUF-C:JIVL', LIAI-I-, THERI-4DF'. WHEREAS. the NUay(,)r's SLIFIlluCl- Youth Work was re-created U))' C<)mIcil as it J,iilclt prcq4ramlt in jwpi-ii or2006; anti over the past six (6) years tile Nlaycw and Surnmer "Youth NVork Program (the ` "Prograne') has served over 150 studerits \vhu have worked W varOus depart n tell ts assisting, with lypiltg, fililag, shredding, clearling public areas, pahiting, n-anic, public wiwks, ach"inismative suppoil and vmdotm wher assig'N'tallents; and WI 1111TEAS, in ?Cllr, the City is CNI-I)CCte'd lCO VIIII)ION 0jr(r)u,gJj the j,,y.,,jgrajjj 25 3MUth bm"veen the ages of 16 8 years c0d who ruskic in the C3oosc C�reck C'onscaIidaled Iridependent Sch.csol I.District area, and %All 11TRITAR& tile studcnh( sclected for pal-licipatiouN in tile 1" rc) grairt will begin \vork cmi NI0U1r1r1a>", Ttluer 17. 2013, and vvHI he assigned to various depanniants to pertorm various ricm.hawnw1ousjobs; and W1 WRITAS, tile City Council W the Chy csr Bayio"m believes, the Mog"un kvHI be most beneficial to, the 3muth oTONe Baytonnn, area as well as to aH Wizens orme NC)\\' 'IIIFU,'EF0RQ 1311 UF CIRDAINEF) 13"Y T] ]L.: CYPY CC)UNC',1L, CIF II IE, CI FY OF TF xxAs� Section I : That the C ty C',Otnik,.Ji ca, tile chy or f3ayto%v" hereby aulhorizes die Manor anti V,,xxonN,4c)biI Summer 't"outh Work Program liar the surni"er oi-2013, section 2 T'hat the city, C"ot'llicii or the city or 13ayt,,,,, aiuhcaHwcs funds in an amn""M not "i exQeed ONE 1 1UNDIVED TI-IOUSAND AND NO/100 FIOLLAWS (SIOCIAM100) Or the Program ntithcwized in SQction I her Aimbove. Section 3: Ilat die City N/Iartagcr is he granted general authc)rrity to approve any Prc#gram changes involving as decrease oral] iltQrQZISQ irt Costs ot, 1°`!F-I 1V TI WEISAPAI) AND MWOO DOELAR's (S50,000.00) or less, however, tile orig !incd aillount herein authorizect may I](:)( lie increased by more than twenty-five per•c!rtt Ccl S, k - -sn 4: 'I'llis ordinallec Shall take WWI irurnedKilely, Ro"i and awenkf7passage lay the C'ity CouncH cl,f the City c)r Baytown. INTRODUCTIRD, READ and PASSEID by the atUrinative vote or th94 Thi-- fliv I is' day o t- A pr r1, 201 3, S I I". .......... . . ..... . . . ...... . Cie] ,F%PPRC)VEL) ;D I 'x" 'IL, C'L I' LeN I L I'(,,) rkh4l,M I L�SNW 1 34NpW I I N I a" miSnmmcrN!mnhMyrani Wc itA COLInCil Ot'Ll-IC City^ Clt- 131ky AON%Al CARIAM! Mayor