Ordinance No. 12,227C)RDlNAN'C.'L',. NO. 12,227 AN C)RE)I IMP ANCE OF 1-1111 C.,"(DUNCII. (All TAIF C11'Y OF BA,`i�'TONVN. Y I ,,, X A S. A W" A P, I -) I N0 'rim CONTIMIXEM" FOR '1111, 1 IOU SIN O 1"RX3JUC7US mwwrim AW 2704 NEW JERSENY STREET AIM 31 10 MICHIOAN S-YRUIST TO 1°w}1I-0 CONSTRA JCTION INC_ ITOR 1-1411 SUM C311 ONE HUNDIZED TWIMNIFT ]AWAUSANO CANE 1 1 U N DR E! 13 FORTY-FTIGIVI, AND 1^wr"O/100 DO.I.I.ARS A1 12,141 AHW AIJ"I­JA0Rl?/_[NG F"AAMENY AND MOVIDING FOR 1411"'., I civil ECA-INI 1.2 �_ O F'. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1 14, * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * 4, 4, * * * TkIl 1EIZEAS, the (_'ity of Ba, ytown's C.'ori-III-ItIllity 1_3eve'lopillent Prograi'll did advertise for bids for housing remmistructimi prc)jecls located ca 2204 New Jersey Street and 3110 NIVIligan Street to be rccei,,,ed N/larch 20. 2013; and W1 IE-,R'l::"EAS. nuticc to till bidders as to tile fillic and placc., \%'hCIl and v"here tile, colit•act WOUld hkV. ICI Was JILIbliShcd pursua.1111 [(_> pr(_)vi.sions of Section 74 or the Charter of the City of Bayto,o,,n-, and WlAF-,RF,AS,, all bids were opened arid JILILIHCI.' read at CAty IIWI at 10100 UAW, Wednesday. March 20, 2013, as per published notice to bidders; NOW I"! ITTRITFORE 1311 I.I. ORDAINED 13NC WHE CITY C70lLJN(,7lL 010 THE CATN" OF 13AY'l0%%VN_ SCUIOn I: 'Fhat the UiLy Council of' data (_"ity 'of Baytc)wu her✓t-)y accepts the bid or NIIX3 Construction Inc.. Wr the suin of C-)NE HUNDRLED 'JAVIALVE THOUSAND ONLE I [UNDREA3 F01 T'%`-L"� -,RJJTl' AND N(J/l 00, FX_),LL,ARS ($1 12.148.00) Wr the fbilowhig pixjccts authorizes pay,rrlcllt thercol"upoll flw'.11 corripletiorl and %viork by the owner and the Baytown ConlillUllit' y DC'VClk.)jMTlC1'lt Prograrn: 2204 1, 1 00 $45.691.00 $564074.00 I:L-ttt,07-4.()O Street"" 1928 S 1 12.14M.00, Section 2.: Alm pursuant to the rwvviwons or Yoxas Pocal Goverrmwut /Nmilo,lated §25W048. the City Manager is hereby grarited general annhority to zlpprove an,.y change mAer invcdving as deewase or am inurcase in utists or 'i 11C wswith wo) mmoo U)iCA_L,A.P,S (S50,00(:DANA) or Oss, sutAcct to the provision that the orighial cunumut Imiuc may mit be incre..'ised by rnore than twenly-fivc, percent (2 511) or dewwasud by In(>re than (wenty-I , I, vC percerit (251,1,1�' ) without the consent or the contractor (o such decrease. Section 3: "This, ordinance shall take effect Immediately from and aftcr its passage by the City Council of the City ol'Baytown. INTRODUCED, RFAD and PASSED by the affitrinative City offiaytown this the 28"' day of'Mnrch, 2013, AT'll"ST- V. 1,E' ll Cl A 13 APPROW'D AS TO FORM: 'AC10 F ,fi ,, RAMII �,Z, S Ilty the City COLUICil Of the 1-1, DONCARLOS, M R 4'alva"F I v ckv 28',( ia 10 %1 ichiLan dc,,: