Ordinance No. 12,216^PQ ()RDIWANCE C- F.° J"HE CIVY CULWC711. UF '11111 (IFFY C,)U I3AYTOWN, 'FF,,x.AS AUT1 10,1412AN11 11 HE PAY N4F,wr wwri it, oil J (A, IQUI 1101-JAVIC"),11 J(,AJS/VN L) C)N F', I It �'N, DFU'AD AF413 10/140 ENDLI-OV14S ($NMI 24.10)'Fo tit(mm"r imm r,j if-- (,)FA RCMUDWIC SYS-1-1.71%4 F(W -rIAE 13AY'1"0W• FIC)LACE NLAKIN('i C)FIIE"Pt PROVISKA141; RELAYED 1111T1t IT-I'M rya .IQ D, imm rim EFFISCITIVE DATE--, ,ri nommin WFIEREWC ewas imcm (lovernment, Code Annotnted §252.022 provkies that -%%,hQn Thc, f'ronctional cWthQ City cart ont be satisned by one sc)urcc. t1te rov compelixive bids is 110t applicabic, atid 'All IFRUAS, the procurement orn Robodo Sysicin f`61- tile 13,1yCown Police i0epartn1e11t can be sarisned by wdy one source, iRtoi-,iol, N(.,.)W 1A IL,REFC)PL-, im rr wmAimm BY WHE, CA I-t' CC)UNOCIL QF 'I I IL.' CFFV (W BAY FC.)%VN, Section I,-. That the City,Council oFthe City or im"w"m, ioxasa hereby declares that one. sotrr"cQ curl satisr the liecd"; orThc Citw,, Cor as F"C-lbolic: 1SYsIe°111 1`61- 111V 13ay ,tovrl 11,oiice : L)Opartvlleln sewimn 2: I-hat tile City C"fornICH of -tile; (.,'ity or Baytown, "rexas, nuthcwizes payment or thv sun, of, mcu rm-imm Ant muspupoor opwis I ANJI3 I W(H) 13W.K.ART; Q82.1 24.10) EU, HAMM, Ms- the sole source, i,z, the ),rQhasu ora mot,cmic Syslet)) 6-)t thQ PolicQ I )cparnvlellt. sec kmi 3: Tvat purm"ant to tile Jarovisicnls c1t-1, exas Local O carer "Inent Code Annotated § 252.048, the Cit�, N'lanager is 1101-0,70y �-,,V-arncd Lg VRVIIIOIVR)� 10 Upprvivu any change order Onvolving a decreasu or a" incmase in c"ns W •invv 'ri IOUSANY) AN13 1XV100 IX")I.t,AR-, ($50,000.,00) or less- srrl-apcct to the proviskin that the original contract Imice may not he incMUSUL! by mofe tirvan twenty-Five r)erce alt (2 511) or deemased by more than IN-ven,ty-rive percent (2511�4�) r.%Jlhoul the consell't orthe contractor to stich decreaso,. Section 4: This ordWance shall take efrdcl frotri and a its 11ZISS.1gC b�,' the Cit_�' C4.,)1LJnCi1 01' I I I C C", i ty o f, 13 ay tov�, 11. 4 HTFRUDUCED, READ and PASSED by theaf-firmativQ vote elf I -I d ay cal' N,I a rc h, 2 D 1 3. 13, F 1-1 ( 4-1,,,:"E4,iiV:.C�',I2 rk AS 1 0 1 ORN4: R Quam"Away C ay ENUm 0 A " J"UmwCv2013 A WWI I v S OWSOU wu a RC MU ) L dm klmu.J I eat -thc C"ity of' Haytc)-wn, 111i's, (he 1, D(>N'-r-7,e'\FUX)S. Nlaydr.