Ordinance No. 12,215OR[ANANCF, NO. 12,215 AN ORDINANCE OF IIIE crry mumi. OF—rilE (21"IN 0[-` BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING WE RAYMENT Ol' SUNI OF FIFTY-SEXEN THOUSAND SEVEN I I U N DRE'DTI I I RTY-S IX AN 1) 10/100 DOLLARS ($57,73 6 1 O)TO LOGOS INIA(i ING, LLCM, H­)Z *1111; PURCI IASF Ol" AN X-RAY SYS'1'1.,,N,l FOR IIIE BAVIT)WN IIOLJC[`. DE'PART'NIENT; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS 1U."LATED THEREM AND PROVIDING FOR THE DAT[-,TLlFRl-,0E- * WHEREAS. Texas Local GOVCTninent (lode Annimamd §251022 1wovides that "lien the functional wcludet"ems of die City can only be waisfied by one smime, the reqtdrenicra W compethke bicls is neat iMplkable; and WJ IF'R1:, AS. the procurement of arnXdtay Span R)r the 1hylown Police Department can be s,,itisfied by only one soume. Logos Imaging, I-I-C: NOWTIIERI-.`TORF 13E IT ORDAINIJ) BY TI IE CITY COUNCII... Or­rflr Cl"I'Y Of- BAYTOWN,11',XAS: section 1: Thin the coy comicH ofthe (IQ WykMILI-exas. hereby dedams that mly one source can satisfy the needs ofthe City for an X-Ray-Systern Or the Baytu"m IhAice Deparltnent. Scuion 2: "rut we ChYCOWICH orthe City orB,myorexas, authorizes palinentoWmnii WTIT-17W S I"A! F N TI lO(JSAND S[`XEN I [UNDREDTHIRTY-SIX AND 10/100 DC)LLARS ($51736,10) to Logos Imaging, LUL as the mic source, Or the purclume of an VRay SyMern bw We Baytown Mike Deprtment. Section 3: That ptirsuant to the provkhrm of TexaN Imcal (Government Code Amiclawd § 252M48jhc City, Manager is hereby gmMed gmend audwhy to apluove any change order involvinga decrease or an increase in costs of I'll,"TY II IOUSAND AND NCB /I00 DOI.A.-A RS ($50,000.00) or less, subject to the pmvisbn that the mighial contract price nuW not be increased by more Wan tweny-five pet -cent (25%) or demased by inure than twenty-live percent (2511) "khmit Ow cmuent of We cmummono such deervase. Smion 4: Ilk ordhmnee shall take et'lluct irnmelmely hvm and on qns passage by be Chy Commil of the City ofBaylown. INTRODUCIM. READ ;md PASSED by dic aRhnmkc vow o0th"" Y Coulic i I ofthe City of Baylown ill is the 10 day of March, 2013. Z11111 APPROVEDASTO 1`0101: 1r+C1x r-7 ZIr 11a" } alt!w] PI1T,N,4-H--f)ONC',ARLOS. Mayor