Ordinance No. 12,209ORDINANCT'NO. 12,209 AN ORDINANCT,, OFTHL,, CITY COUNCIL (FTJ CITY OF BAN"FOWN, TFAAS, RLIF'ClING TIM 11IDS 1-�OR lit-VTTO LIFT STATION UPGRADF PROJECE WHICH WITIT• RIVERVI'D ON FF,13RIJARY 5. 2013, ,�Nl) PROVIDING FO T1 lAAT,,CTlVF-, ATE T] lFRF,0F. WHIAU'AS, the City ol'13aytown, advaAsal IN bids liar the Hutu) UR Station L,gmde llrc+jcct to be received oil February 5, 2013: and \Vll1,,,.'RF,AS, notice to biddcrs as to the time and plao:Q whcn and where the bids WOUld be publicly opened and read aloud was published rnmsuam to pravisions of Texas Local Go,vernment Codc Annotated § 25,2.041 -, and "WEREAS, all bids were opened and Imblidy mad at (it), Hall at 2:00 o'clock a.m., TLICS(kly, Februa• 5,2013, asper publishod notice to bidders: 11E IT ORDAINED 13Y 'FlIV, CITY COt-NCILAY11 WE', CITY OF IIAYTOWN, TIMAS: Section 1: That tile City Council of' the City of' I'laytown hereby rc�jects all bids 1,61- Be I Wao UR Station Up.-grade Prqjccl received on Febmay, 5. 2013. as 11el' (11C j)LJbliShCd notice to bidders. Section 2: I'llis oulinance Shull take ef'fect immediately rrom and aller its passage by tile City COUllCil cal` the: City orMaytown, X/ INTRODUCED,, READ and PASSE'D by the allin-native voj or the City Council of' the city or Barmvn this Te 14" day or W& 2011 // I FLAIIJJ�"�L DONCARLOS, Mayor ATTI" 'T: u [A 131, b 4yr APPROVED AS TO FORNI: ley 'a MAO I I YgAlKwoOks CAI QnmW(4dummcVTH! Sly wh 14 WKW I Mol A A9aWnRjTimWP;qvUdm: