Ordinance No. 12,207ORDINANCE NO. 12,207 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING ARTICLE ONE "GENERAL," DIVISION 3 "ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES," SECTION 1.26 "REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMITS AND ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS," SUBSECTION (E) "ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR SPECIAL USE PERMITS," SUBSECTION (4) "INTERPRETATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES" AND SUBSECTION (6) "SITE PLAN REQUIRED"; ARTICLE TWO "USE DISTRICTS," DIVISION I "GENERAL," SECTION 2.02 "INTERPRETATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES," SECTION 2.03 "CLASSIFICATION OF ANNEXED AREAS "; DIVISION 2 "ZONING DISTRICTS," SECTION 2.04 '- COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS," SUBSECTION (C) "LIVABLE CENTER ( "LC ") "; ARTICLE TWO "USE DISTRICTS," DIVISION 2 "ZONING DISTRICTS," SECTION 2.05 "RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS," SUBSECTION (B) "URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD ( "UN ") "; AND ARTICLE THREE "DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS," DIVISION 5 "DISTRICT COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS," SECTION 3.14 "COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS" OF EXHIBIT A OF ORDINANCE NO_ 11,866 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23, 2012; AMENDING ARTICLE TWO "USE DISTRICTS," DIVISION 2 "ZONING DISTRICTS," SECTION 2.05 "RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS" OF EXHIBIT A OF ORDINANCE NO. 11,866 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23, 2012, TO ADD A NEW SUBSECTION NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SUBSECTION (1) "OPEN SPACE /RECREATION ( "OR "); AMENDING, IN PART, AR'T'ICLE TWO "USE DISTRICTS," TABLE 2 -2 "NON- RESIDENTIAL USES," TABLE 2 -3 "NON- RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY USE TABLE," TABLE 2 -4 "RESIDENTIAL USES," TABLE 2- 5 "RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY USE TABLE," TABLE 2 -6 "USE CONDITIONS "; AMENDING TABLE 3 -1 "PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS" OF EXHIBIT A OF ORDINANCE NO. 11,866 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23, 2012; AMENDING ARTICLE THREE "DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS," DIVISION 2 "OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS," SECTION 3.08 "STANDARDS" OF EXHIBIT A OF ORDINANCE NO. 11,866 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23, 2012, TO ADD A NEW SUBSECTION NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SUBSECTION (E) "SCREENING "; AMENDING ARTICLE FOUR "DEFINITIONS" OF EXHIBIT A OF ORDINANCE NO. 11,866 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 23, 2012, IN PART, TO REVISE THE DEFINITION OF "GAS STATION MINIMART "; TO CLARIFY THAT STREETS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY WILL NOT BE ZONED; TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO NEWLY ANNEXED AREAS FROM SFE 3'0 OR; TO CLARIFY THAT A DETAILED PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR PROPERTY ZONED AS A LIVABLE CENTER; TO ALLOW PROPERTIES TO BE ZONED URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD ( "UN ") AFTER THE INITIAL ZONING OF THE CITY; TO CREATE THE OPEN SPACE /RECREATION ( "OR ") RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; TO REVISE SPECIFIC PERMITTED USES AND CONDITIONS IN CERTAIN NON- RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; TO REVISE THE SPECIFIC PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND CONDITIONS IN CERTAIN NON- RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; TO REVISE SPECIFIC PERMITTED USES AND CONDITIONS IN CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; TO REVISE THE SPECIFIC PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND CONDITIONS IN CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; TO REVISE AND CREATE CERTAIN USE CONDITIONS; TO ADD PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE OPEN SPACE /RECREATION ( "OR ") RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; TO ADD SCREENING STANDARDS; AND TO ADD THE OPEN SPACE / RECREATION ( "OR ") RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO THE COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR REGULATIONS GOVERNING FIRE, SAFETY, ZONING OR PUBLIC HEALTH OR SANITATION AND A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR ALL OTHER VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: That Article One "General," Division 3 "Administration and Procedures," Section 1.26 "Rezoning, special use permits and zoning text amendments," Subsection (e) "Additional Criteria for special use permits," subsection (4) "Interpretation of district boundaries" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection e, which subsection shall read as follows: Article One. General Division 3. Administration and Procedures Sec. 1.26 Rezoning, special use permits, and zoning text amendments. (e) Additional criteria for special use permits. The planning and zoning commission may recommend and the city council may adopt other conditions on any special use permit application that are needed to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, hours of operation and additional landscape or parking requirements. (4) The following uses identified in table 2 -2 "Use Conditions" require the issuance of a special use permit: Recreational vehicle parks Section 2: That Article One "General," Division 3 "Administration and Procedures," Section 1.26 "Rezoning, special use permits and zoning text amendments," Subsection (e) "Additional Criteria for special use permits," Subsection (6) "Site Plan Required" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article One. General Division 3. Administration and Procedures Sec. 1.26 Rezoning, special use permits, and zoning text amendments. (e) Additional criteria for special use permits. The planning and zoning commission may recommend and the city council may adopt other conditions on any special use permit application that are needed to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, hours of operation and additional landscape or parking requirements. (6) Site Plan Required. All applications for a special use permit shall be filed with the director. The application shall be accompanied by a site plan which, along with the application, will become a part of the special use permit, if approved. The accompanying site plan shall provide the following information: a. For recreational vehicle parks i. General layout of the development; and ii. Number of recreational vehicle stands; or b. For all other developments requiring a special use permits: i. Data describing all processes and activities involved with the proposed use; ii. Data showing compliance with the conditions listed in table 2 -2 "Use conditions "; iii. Site plan showing lot size and boundaries drawn to scale; iv. The location of each existing and proposed building and structure in the area covered by the site plan and the number of stories, height, roofline and gross floor area of any such building or structure, walls, fences and buffering. All items on site plan shall be dimensioned; V. The location of existing natural and manmade storm water facilities and significant natural features; vi. Proposed wastewater facilities and points of discharge; vii. Proposed landscaping and screening buffers; viii. The location and dimensions of all curb cuts, public and private streets, parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks, lighting facilities, and outdoor trash storage facilities; ix. Traffic impact analysis, unless the applicant secures a written waiver from the city engineer stating that the proposed use will have no significant impact on the city's traffic system; and X. Anticipated permits required regarding pollutants, wetlands and hazardous materials. Section 3: That Article Two "Use Districts," Division I "General," Section 2.02 "Interpretation of district boundaries" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article Two. Use Districts Division 1. General Sec. 2.02 Interpretation of district boundaries. (a) Generally. This section shall govern interpretations regarding the location of zoning district boundaries shown on the official map. (b) Boundaries following property lines. District boundaries shown as approximately following property lines shall be construed as following such property lines. (c) Boundaries following right- of -tivay lines. District boundaries shown as approximately following right -of -way lines of a street, highway, alley, railroad or other identifiable boundary shall be construed as following such right -of -way line or identifiable boundary. (d) Boundaries not follotiving identifiable features. On unsubdivided land or when a district boundary follows no identifiable feature, the location of district boundaries shall be determined by using the map scale appearing on the official map, unless the district line is indicated by dimensions printed on the official map, in which case the printed dimensions shall control. (e) Streets and rights -of -way. Streets, alleys, rights -of -way, navigable waterways, and other public ways will not be zoned and shall not affect district boundaries. (f) Street abandonments. Whenever any street, alley or public way is abandoned or vacated by official action of the city council, the districts adjoining each side of such street, alley or public way shall be automatically extended to the centerline of such abandonment or vacation, and all area included in the abandonment or vacation shall be subject to the regulations of the extended districts. (g) Uncertainties. Where existing physical or natural features contradict those shown on the official map or when any other uncertainty exists, the location of district boundaries shall be determined by the director. Section 4: That Article Two "Use Districts," Division 1 "General," Section 2.03 "Classification of annexed areas" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article Two. Use Districts Division 1. General Sec. 2.03 Classification of annexed areas. Any land which comes under the jurisdiction of the city because of its annexation to the city shall be classified into the OR district unless the owner or majority of owners of the subject property files rezoning application, in which case such property shall be assigned a district classification in accordance with the amendment procedures of this ULDC. 4 Section 5: That Article Two "Use Districts," Division 2 "Zoning Districts," Section 2.04 "Commercial zoning districts," Subsection (c) "Livable Center ( "LC ")" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article Two. Use Districts Division 2. Zoning Districts Sec. 2.04 Commercial zoning districts. These districts are intended to implement and correspond to the comprehensive plan's future land use map designations and descriptions. The following districts are established: (c) Livable Center ("LC'). This district is intended to accommodate a "planned in advance" mixed use center, which is either vertically or horizontally integrated and includes a planned variety of living, working, educational and entertainment options and which is developed in accordance with a detailed plan. Section 6: That Article Two "Use Districts," Division 2 "Zoning Districts," Section 2.05 "Residential zoning districts," Subsection (b) "Urban Neighborhood ( "UN ")" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article Two. Use Districts Division 2. Zoning Districts Sec. 2.05 Residential zoning districts. (b) Urban Neighborhood ( "UN "). This district is a mixed use residential and limited commercial district with a density conforming to the zoning code adopted in 1995. Section 7: That Article Two "Use Districts," Division 2 "Zoning Districts," Section 2.05 "Residential zoning districts" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to add a new subsection which shall be numbered and entitled subsection (i) "Open Space /Recreation ( "OR ")," which subsection shall read as follows: Article Two. Use Districts Division 2. Zoning Districts Sec. 2.05 Residential zoning districts. (i) Open Space /Recreation ( "OR'). This district provides for large open areas, private and public recreation areas, and a holding zone for newly annexed areas. Section 8: Thal Arlicle Two "Use Distriets," Table 2-2 -Non-residential kises" of' Exhibit A I of'Ordan o. ince N 11,866 adc)pted by the City Council ml February 23, 2012, is hereby amended, in part, to read as f'ollows: ,Article Two. Use Districts Table 2-2. Non-fireside nfial uses. ... .. ...... I - i-- Ics clin, . ...... .. ] . ..... .... ........ .... 1) PC . . . ....... 6 . ..... ....... .. ....... . . A' 7' Repair business ,,i Retail General I 11 � PC 1`1 ti 1) k PC I P I I AM A47 FRIck stop l'K A, 11, I . ............. . ... . . . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... L , I "� I- Section 9: That Article Two *'[.,)se Districts," Table 1-3 "Non-residential accessory use table" ol'Exhibit A of'Ordinaace No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 20 12, is hereby ainended, in part, to read as t'ollows: Article Two. Use Districts 'rable 2-3. Non-residential accessory use table. --------- - -- - All............. . . .. .... ... Section I W Tha( Article Two, **[Jse Districts," 'Fable 24 "Residential ws'es" of' Bhihil A of, Ordinance No. 1 1,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended, in part. 10 read as follows: article rwo. use vistricts Table 2-4. Residential uses. Agriculture PC . B3 ..... .... N Imme f . . . . ....... .. . ....... .. .. . ....... . .. ... ... ... . 4 1 a - 1 11 I — ------ -- VA PUbliC park 1 1, 1, q 1, 1, p Section 11: Tha( Article Two "Use Districts," Table 2-5 "Residential ncessory use tablc- ol' Exhibit A of ()rdinancc No. 11,866 adopted by the Oly C"ouncil on February 23, ?x)12.. is hereby amended, in part, to read as tollows: Article Two. Use Districts Table 2-5. Residential accessol-Y Ilse lable. B23_ . . . ....... r . .. . Ban ......... .. .......... . ..... . . .. 011-Sile Storag e of a .... . ..... ...... ......... . - - - ---- ----- .. . .. .. .. . personal pleasure boat or recreational Vehicle PC P(-., PCI PC P(' PC 1122 POOL 11001 hOLlse, hot tub and their - — — 1) ------- --- - p 11 p p 1) 1) K, . . . ....... B23 Privatc open space PC' PC PC I P(,, PC K" 11c PC PCI pc P(, 131:3, 1123 Private 1-cereation ..... ..... .. .. . . ...... space ` , 11 1c IT C, J)l 1 l c 11c, K . Q Stables .... . ... ... PC 1316, B2 3 . .. ....... Slot-age I'milding P(,, 1121 1..........m S taaclio PC" p(, 11cl, . .. ..... . ... . . .. .. ..... .. ....... .. .. . ........ .. . 1 310 Sports court p 1) 11 1) 1) 1) 13 23 — --------- -- .... - , .,- -,-, - — — - - ---------- m Section 12: That Article Two "Use Districts," Table 2-6 -Use conditions- of Exhibh 1% of (AdVatwe No. 11,866 adopted by We City (Muned on February 23. 211I2, is hereby ame"ed. in part, to read as Wows: ArlicleTwo, Use Districts 'rable 2-6. Use conditions. (a) Mug establidunwits shall not exceed 10,000 square let in ',a (i I I g building sive of sating and food prepanation area inchiding 9 NSC ruslMoms, uslutblishments, all (b) Fating esMblisl-uncrits skill be located oil as collector street or lri ... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lacr I sit`r I i t) r I ....... ... . .... .... (a) Gas station ininknart skill not. exceed 10,000 square lVel ill building size. 14 Gas station rnhArriart NSC (b) Gas station nihiin-lan is allowed only if located oil arterial sirens and or on as collector street at its intersection "ith an arterial strect. . . . . ......... . .... . . ................. . �,iejleral i,- eneral ��h"'ifi-uot exceed . . ........ -- ---- 28 (Mice NBC.„ ACT Office shall not exceed 10,000 S(JWaU-C fcCI in bLlilkfill�,' size in NSC I I � Office shall not exceed 4MM) sonre feet in b&WhW size in ME- 31 IN Recreational vehicle park RUM Eq&pmml storage anti research AcMdes 1411, GC' AVILI GC If (a) Recreational vehicle pals shall lie separated from all a(,ljaceru LISCs by opaque screening, (b) Pvopwy not sid1jea to as valid recreational vehicle pant opetating license piwmant to chapwr 58 on 1011ective chw nust have an appraved special use permit prior to receivinga bilikling permit. Q) property not Qjcarto as Aid rew-earth: nd vehicle park operating license pwourim to chapter 58 on jenwive date mum be as minimum or 5 acres in sue, (a) Medical eqidpinent must be totally oickwal within a b0klirig. (b) Nca outdoor storage of llledical equipment. (c) Storage does M include hwincration or other Arms of destruction bill only Storage, (d) Medical research facilities shall be located only on the same lot with as hospital or on the same campus as a hospital and shown on a detailed plan nicoing the requirenients of section 2.08, (d), which must be aMwowd aarnrl administered in accordance with section 2.08. (,I) New dwelling units are allo"vd in NV vvhmv the reddavid lot provides ain open space setback of 211 Icet Boni any adjacent, existing rieuia icsielcrrtiarl Ilse. (b) New residential subdilvisions pwposed in MLJ vKH ony be approved where the subdivision is rezoned to an appropriate residential zoning district, (c) I)wdlkg units are allowed in ACF' l'ollowing the standards set US in this ULDC, (d) Live-work uses inay be located in aarr ACE district i, behind as business oil its first floor as long as the exterior wall of the residential area is not along Texas Avenue; the exterior wall of the coIrtmercial me and We pdninry eninince to the connnercial use is alongTexas Avenue; and MU, ACF, tile covillnel-cial use Occupies at least 251,u ol'the area of 411 Dwelling Unit L(1, GC. the hi-st floor; and Ll. III ii. abcmv the )first Hoor wlierc die residenthl unit has flontage (:)it Texas Avenue. (e) When as niixed-use building fi-onts oil Texas Aventle ill tile ACE dkukq a residenthil use is allowed onlj no residential dwelling unit oil the first Iloor. has ai door opening Onto the priniary street, less than 50% of' the iiiixed-tise buildiq,s trontage oil the first iloor along as priniary street is used 1'or residential dwelling unit(s)" and the rnixed-use buddhg is mA new comtmoism; ot ii. irthe reskiential unit is above the ground floor. Dwelling unHs are alknved in IT in cases in which they are allowed in tile approvcd detailed plan. (g) A dwelling unit is allowed in GC, L[ and III as an amemory - Or ern site secL! aije!jjianagSll ic i t P1.I R �s - -- ------ - . . . use ! .... .. ...... Only allowed on a lot that has firontag,,c oil cither liflerstate 10 or 46 Tmck Siop GC" 11rhoulpSon Road and is conipletely located within a 2,000-floot radius nicastued Boni the centerline intersection of Inteniale 10 and .. . ............ . .. No new cons I ruc t ion building perinit shall be issued 1`61- a structure All uses allowed in LC "thin Lk dWrict unless all approved detaHed Wan meeting Me I,C requirerrients specified in section 2.08 has been �approvcd it) with such section. . . ........ .. .... .. .. In IL lid: esWentiall Catygorls Section 13: Article Three "Design and Conipatibility Stanclards," Division I "Properly L)eve lopinent Starickird: s," Table 3-1 'Troperty developnient standards" of' Exhibit A of' Ordinance No. 11166 atopWd by the City Council on FeRuary 23, 2012, is hereby arnended to read as follows: Article Three. Designand Cornpatibillity S(an(fiards, Division 1. Property Develolmient SUmdards TaWe 34. PnIqlarly developnien! slandards. a bIn or () lAcept bunss, e a111 acce"ory suactures on a imm of' land niust not exceed 75 percent of the gross SCILKIre fadalralt 1 01' All, where the prinlary structure on the sanie lot. 2 Accessory SIrUCtUrCS permitted (b) Re'sidontial, accessory stnicanvs are allowed to re air hi non- residential zoning, districts as lion-confornling uses only it tile SIRICILIre is ail aCCeSSOryr to an eXiSling. lion-cold'ovining (a) Any agriculture function involving allilrials sliall be al least S11E. SF 1, 100 flet froni ail, adjacent residential property line. 3 Agricishure SI-2, (W (b) Any agents causing noxious odors shall not lie located closer _dIwI 100 lbet Orn at,; adj acent residential . ....... . . . . ........ . . . . ....... (a) Density nlay imm exceml 10 units per acre. SinWe4hinily 17 N4 F I (b) Whed to developiricrils, ofat least 10 Llllik detached ACY (c) No front on]"exas Avenue. Fwo-finllily SF2 (a) Mirshrium derisky allowed AM! be 6 units per amv. 18 dwelling dUlIlCX �ati ACT . ......... (b) Flo two —fain dwdling unit shall front on Texas Avernie. . . ......... . (,I site storage or a Personal pleasure boat or recrcational vehicle Inust be oulside of, personal pWasure A14 m0cre We rmr and side setbacks For the specific zcmiing category and boat or reercaiional perniitted suwcd in accorclance to chaluer 94 which requires such to be on all . . . . .......... 13CI"411 -1 a I)Llildill PCnnh is issued for a structure other than al fence, gazebo, or storage shed less ban 200 square feet to a person \Nho is All uses in die OR 23 I�D R not a go Vern nic III's l entity, Such person inust subillit detailed Plan disnict mewirig Me mcpNerrieras of section W (dy wlAdi nuiva be aumoved and administemd in mcordaiwe w4h sudon 2.08. Section 13: Article Three "Design and Conipatibility Stanclards," Division I "Properly L)eve lopinent Starickird: s," Table 3-1 'Troperty developnient standards" of' Exhibit A of' Ordinance No. 11166 atopWd by the City Council on FeRuary 23, 2012, is hereby arnended to read as follows: Article Three. Designand Cornpatibillity S(an(fiards, Division 1. Property Develolmient SUmdards TaWe 34. PnIqlarly developnien! slandards. Minimum Interior Side 7S' 5 5 0 5 1 1 Setback Minimum Sr ` 't , CIL 10 15 25 10 0 2-5 50 2.5 ,""0 Set Ck Maximum I leight (ill feet) 40 35 60 60 60 50 60/75 5 Percent Maximum Lot Coverage 90 90 75 75 100 90 90 50 L Mininlual Lot Frontaoc t, 50 6 6O Variable 25 60 60 25 ReqUITed (1111car feet) 7 ........ ......... Minimum Lot Size (square li, 43,560 See Tb. See Tb. Sec Tb. 7 See Tb. 1,25 AC 5,400 5,400 Feel) 1 1 2-1 2-1 2-1 1 Minimum Front Setback 25 15 15 20 25 15 15 li Miniinum Rear Setback I 10 1 10 10 1 1 1 Minimum Interior Side 1 5 5 Z. 5 15 15 5 5 Setback Mininlum Street Side 2) 5 15 15 20 25 2,5 10 to Setback Maximum I leighl (ill feet) 50 35 35 35 io 60 35 Percent Nfinimum Lot 50 ()0 60 50 70 80 60 70 Coverage Minimum Lot Frc,)ntagc 125 75 25 20 60 50 50 Required (linear feet) -5 ctt Flag lots are permitted in this district that klo not incet the millillIUM lot fi-ontage required sub iiect tca the provisions ()t' Section 3.01, subscok'm (e). Section 14: That Article Three "Design and Compatibility Standards," Division 2 "Operational Perf'orniance Standards," Section 3.08 "Standards" of 11"Ahibit, A of' Ordinance No, 11,866 adopted by (11C City' COLHICil 011 F'ChRUIry 23, 2012, is hereby amended to add as new subsection Miich S11811 be IlUmbered and entitled subsection (c) "Screening," which subsection shall re'ad as tollows: Article Three. Design and Compatibility Standards Division 2. (tpenational Performance Standal'AN See. 3.08 Standards. Under this division, file Following) standards shall apply: (e) Screenhigy, Non-residential and nulltilamil), residential development, including olT.Street parking areas associated with such developments, shall be screened firom view ot'ad.jacent single-family or dUpleX use and any property zoned SFE, SH, SF2, or OR. Such visual screening sh".111 be accomplished till-mlgh the Ilse of'ollaclue 1'ence mectill'g, the requironnents ot'division 2 oi'ariicle X of'chaliter 18, m pertaining to buffer fencing, along the lot line that is adjacent to the single- family or duplex use or property zoned SFE, SFI, SF2 or OR. Mechanical equipment, outdoor storage areas and refuse collection areas shall be completely shielded from view of adjacent single- family or duplex uses, scenic corridors or property zoned SFE, SFI, SF2 or OR by an opaque fence or wall made of material specified in division 2 of article XII of chapter 18 that is at least one foot taller than the site feature being screened from view, provided this shall not be interpreted as requiring screening, fences, or walls to be taller than ten feet. Fences, walls and buffers must comply with all other requirements of the ULDC. Section 15: That Article Three "Design and Compatibility Standards," Division 5 "District Compatibility Standards," Section 3.14 "Compatibility standards" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to read as follows: Article Three. Design and Compatibility Standards Division 5. District Compatibility Standards Sec. 3.14 Compatibility standards. The following additional standards are applicable to property that is located at the boundary of two or more zoning districts. The following standards are also applicable to the portion of the LI or HI boundary that is within 300 feet of the referenced zoning district. The more intense new non - residential or multifamily use shall implement the applicable compatibility standards before a certificate of occupancy or completion will be issued. (a) Medium density mixed residential (MFI). New development that is zoned MFI and located adjacent to a property zoned NC, UN, SFE, SFI, or SF2 shall meet all requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC and install a 6 foot tall opaque screen between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI or SF2. (b) Mir! -rise density mixed residential dwellings (MF2). New development that is zoned MF2 and located adjacent to a property zoned NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2 or MFI shall meet all requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC, install a 6 foot tall opaque screen, and provide a minimum of a 20 -foot open space between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2 or MFI. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. (c) High density residential chvelling units (MF3). New development that is zoned MF3 and located adjacent to a property zoned NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI, or MF2 shall meet all requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC, install a 6 foot tall opaque screen, and provide a minimum of a 20 -foot open space between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI, or MF2. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. 13 (d) Neighborhood Serving Commercial (NSC). New development that is zoned NSC and located adjacent to a property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI or MF2 shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division I of the ULDC and install a 6 foot tall opaque screen between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI or MF2. (e) General Commercial (GC). New development that is zoned GC and located adjacent to a property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, or MFI shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three division 1 of the ULDC, install a 6 foot tall opaque screen and provide a minimum of a 20 -foot open space between any property OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, or MFI. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. New development that is zoned GC and located adjacent to a property zoned MF2 or MF3 shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC and install a 6 foot tall opaque screen between any property zoned MF2 or MF3. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. (f) Mixed Use (MU). New development that is zoned MU and located adjacent to a property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI, MF2, MF3 or NSC shall meet all the requirements of the property development Standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC, install a 6 foot tall opaque screen and provide a minimum of a 20 -foot open space between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI, MF2, MF3 or NSC. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. (g) Light Industrial (LU). New development that is zoned LI and located (i) adjacent to a property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MU, ACE, LC, MFI, MF2, MF3, NSC or GC; (ii) adjacent to a lot that contains a single- family use; (iii) adjacent to a public right -of -way designated as an arterial or collector on the city's adopted thoroughfare plan; or (iv) a navigable waterway shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC and provide a minimum 200 -foot building setback between any property that is (i) zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MU, ACE, LC, MFI, MF2, MF3, NSC or GC; (ii) a lot containing a single - family use; (iii) a public right -of -way designated as an arterial or collector on the city's adopted thoroughfare plan; or (iv) a navigable waterway. Within the setback a 50 foot open space, a 50 foot vegetative buffer and a 6 foot tall opaque screen shall be installed between any property zoned OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MFI, MF2, MF3, NSC or GC. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. (h) Heavy Industrial (HI). New development that is zoned HI and located (i) adjacent to a property zoned OR, NSC or GC; (ii) adjacent to a public right -of- way designated as an arterial or collector on the city's adopted thoroughfare plan; or (iii) adjacent to a navigable waterway shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC, 14 and provide a minimum 300 -foot building setback between (i) any property zoned OR, NSC or GC; (ii) a public right -of -way designated as an arterial or collector on the city's adopted thoroughfare plan; or (iii) a navigable waterway. Within the setback a 100 -foot vegetative buffer and a 6 foot tall opaque screen shall be installed between any property that is (i) zoned OR, NSC or GC; (ii) a public right -of -way designated as an arterial or collector on the city's adopted thoroughfare plan; or (iii) a navigable waterway. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12(c)(3) of the ULDC. New development that is zoned HI and located adjacent to a property zoned LI shall meet all the requirements of the property development standards table in article three, division 1 of the ULDC, provide a minimum 200 -foot building setback between any property zoned LI. Within the setback a 50 foot open space, a 50 foot vegetative buffer and a 6 foot tall opaque screen shall be installed between any property zoned LI. Any building over 40 feet in height also shall comply with the residential proximity slope in section 3.12 (c)(3) of the ULDC. HI zoned property is not permitted to be located adjacent to OR, NC, UN, SFE, SFI, SF2, MU, ACE, LC, MF1, MF2 or MF3 zoned properties. Section 16: That Article Four "Definitions" of Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 11,866 adopted by the City Council on February 23, 2012, is hereby amended to revise the definition of "gas station minimart," which amended definition shall read as follows: Article Four. Definitions The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this ULDC, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this article, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning Gas station minimart means a facility of less than 10,000 square feet in building size that is associated with the sale of gasoline products, that also offers for sale prepackaged food items and tangible consumer goods, primarily for self - service by the consumer. Hot beverages, fountain -type beverages, and pastries may be included in the food items for sale, but food items that are prepared or individually proportioned on the premises shall be prohibited. The facility may be associated with another use but may not include automobile repair or service of any kind. Section 15: Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding TWO THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each act of violation and each day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the city may pursue other remedies such as abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief, administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section 16: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such 15 inconsistenev and in aH other mqvcts this ordinance shall be cumulalive ol'other ordinances regulating and govendng the subjccl matter covered by this ordinance. Section 17: it any Kovisions, section, exceplK sutmect0n, pamgmph, semetwe, elm se or Phrase of this ordinance or (he application of same to any person or set ofeircuinstances, shall for any reason be held LHIC01IStitUtiOnal, Void Or invalid, SLICII invalidity shall not Met the Widity of the remahing provisions of this ordMane or the application to other penons or sets orchvumsumces and U) this end aril provisions of this ordinance are declared to be sevvrable. Section 18: This ordinance and Ordinance No. 11,866, notwithstanding anything Contained therein to the contrary, shall take effict on the effective date of the zoning map of' the entire city, huplementing the Unified Ijund Development Code originally aclopted in 0rdii ance No. 11,866 and as amended hercin (the -11110cuive flute'), The C"ity, Clerk is hereby directed it.) ' ',c'� notice hercol'by causing Ac cqmkn of this ordinance to be publkhed hi the official ne"spaper ordid City of Baytown at least twice widiin ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. K,!"!, INTRODUCTI), READ and PASSED by the ann-mative vot'g,"o IIC Co)l COLInCil 0fIhC (,'oy 01' Baytomm, IQ the 140 day of March, 2013. EPFIFN 11. 1)ONM1 I-0S, Mapr 'y AT' APPMVET) AS '0 FORM: NAMCU) RANCRUT91 city err torney 9r K; rc w I I n e ", (' m t y ('o ki i ( �W ( 41 n a n a s Q 0 1 A N I a v I 1 14 A Id m c d la I )C A m = & m m 0 n t ( Mh mm u h mm C A m i A =n & d 3 H I H3 ti tx 11