Ordinance No. 12,198(. R 1) 1 N �\ N Cl`� N 0 12,1 9 8 AN ORDINANCF, OF T1,11", CHN COUNCIL OF ITE cryy OF BAYTOVIN, ITXAS, ALY111ORIZING UIE PA) >" 01: THIRTY-TIIREF. THOUSAND SIX HUNDRI'D SEVENTY41MJR AND 25/100 DOLLARS ($33,674.25)'Il) BPS PARK & RFC RFA,rK)N PRODIWTS FOR ITIF P1JR(,1,lASI-, 0FA,30'X 44'P0I..)`G(')N 114 PIRA 11. BAY WATER PARK THROUGH IVE "H',XAS 1,0 'Al, GOVERNMENT I III CT1 V F, DATE TI I I :`R EO F, * ** * * * * * 1, * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *- * 4. * gyp. * *** * * * * * * * * 0 * * *I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4, * * * 41, * * *- * * ***r* *** * * 4, * 4, * * * * * * * * WHEREAS. we ca or viown is as nwmbo- of Me cmTemlive pwchasing pnMnu-n esuAhshed under Sections 27 LOH2 and 271,083 ofthe'l"exas Local Government Code; nild WHERIONS, flee "I Local Governmeni 11we has in g (0operm No's Buy Board lAvyxam in such a program, alky"ing municipalities to pm-chase products and/or services in an effilcient, cost cftcetive, and conipetitive procurement method; and WHEREAS, be (Ty of Baytown in malving as pumblse under a state contract throo'gh Such coopelative purvolsing Program satisfies State law requiring municipalities to seek competitive bids for the purchase ofthe item: NOW r3l, 11"ORDAINY',I) BYTIlk, CITY CO(JNCII, OF—I HE' CITY OF`BAY'r0\VN,TEXAS: Section 1: ism Me Cly Ccamcil oftse CVy of Hayto"n hereby authorizes tile payrnent of- T] IIR FY- TI IREE 11 IOUSANI) SIX HUNDRED SEVIINTY-FOUR AND 25/10() DOLLARS ($33,674.2-5) to B.Fs Park & KeCITWOTI PrOdUCIS NT Me lame hme of a 30' x 44' polygon Anule structure Ilor the Pirates Bay Water Park through the"rexas Local Governmeni Purchasing Cooperadve (Buy lhnud). Suct On 2: That the (it), Mamigunk hereby gnmwd gownd authority to approve ally change order involvhig as decrease (man increase in cosN or F I FTY T] I OUS AN D AND NO/ 100 D0LL,,,1RS ($50,000.00) (m less, provided that the original comract price may nm be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25SQ ordecreasod bs inmv than 1wenj4hv pemml (2511) widlout We cormat of Me corumwo"o mich deerwNe, Section 3: This oMhmnce shall takeeflecl on ()cuiber 1. 2011 leper Its passage by the City 0=01 of the City of Baylo\Nll. IN ITC: DUO.T.A.), READ and PASSIT by the aMrmmkv vow of[IiKio� ColliIjA oil City of Ba.) tm^� 11 this the 14"' day of` February, 201 m3, DONCARLOS, Mayor. 1-111 TV CiV (A 0 APPROVI�,,D /1S `I' Z N,IIRF.'Z, SR., Cit flonley c� Ibf,qj 4 Lcv,A KarclS He', Cfr} uumfl I CbgL1,:H" r r Bnt