Ordinance No. 12,189MD]NANCE', NO. 12,199 AN ORDINANCE,, Ol" THE (11"Y COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF BAYTO%VN, TUIXAS, RENE%INGTHE CONTRAcroi: BAYTOWN ELI.XTRICCOM PANY FOR THE ANNUAL I: LECIRIC,`AL, SERVICES CONTRACTAND AUT[ IORIZING PAYMENT 13YTHf,, CITY ()F' I1,d\YJ`0\VN, I"HE SUN4 OF nvo HUNDRED 'HIOUSAND AND—NO/100 DOLLARS ($201000.00); 1AAKI1NG 01-1-IF,'R PROVISIONS AND PR(WIDING 1,'0: R "THE 1,°,FFECTIVI'-, DATETHE.REOF. WHI,-,REAS, Baytown WHc Compimy was awanled the Annual Ekctric�al Services Contract on Aril 24, 200% pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included an option by the parties to renov Wr addhWul, onelear petio&: and \VI IEREAS, W comnict was renewed on March 12, 2009, February 11, 2010, February 10, 2011, and libntary 23, 2012, and can be renewed again Ar all additional one-year term; and WHEREAT flaytown Elcu-ic Compny hags huhned its willingness to renew, tile contract f(,)r anaddiflonal year under the same tenns and condhkms w9h an n1lowable 1.7'Yo Consunier price Index rate increase W all hwuly rates; and WHEREAS, the f" has reviewed One market conditions and reconvuends renewal as being in the hest interest of the City; N0WT1IF.RFFC)RF 13F ]T ORDAINED BY ITIF. CITY COUNCIL 011 T1117. CFLY OF l3AY1`0WN,TEXAS: Section 1: 'rot Me City Council orthe Chy of 11WW"s hereby renews tile contract ofBaytown F"lectric Company fear tine Annual EWOried Set-Wes Commo Irthe sum of]'"70 N0/100 1X91,LARS (S20;00MOO), ,tined ,,,ttitlioi-izes paynient thereof. Sc0ion 2: "flat pursuant W the provisions or exas Local Governnient Code Annotated §252.048, tile City Manager is hereby grmad genoid awhody to approve any chmige, oWer involvbg as decrease or. an inemase in coos of FI IFTY1110USAND AW 1XV 100 1XVLARS ($50,000A0) or less, provided flat tile original contract price nmy not be increawd by more than hvenly-live percent (2551) or decreased by more than twenty-1 ive percent (2510) Nvilhout the consent ofthe contractor its such decrease. Sea% 3 the City of Baytomil. Ilk o4humce sharp Wecribet inunedimely Iforn and alter its INTRODUCED, READ and PASSEI) by We aMrmmhv vow orthe C the 14"' day of February, 2013. 9jr," ;ypt I A T F S: C) " A PP R (W IJIWS-�Y,0) P6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pA(10 RANIlRJ.,`.Z, SR., City torney R doe ageby the (Sy Council of ncil of the City ot"Bayromm this CARLOS,