Ordinance No. 12,18501MINANCF, NO. 12,185 AN 01LDFNAN('1, ' OF 1111', (TrY COUN(AL OF 11111C111' OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ACCEVONAvrm \VATEWJNf,SYSTF,iM kF11ABILITATION PROJEU;AUTHORIZING FINM. PAYVAINT (M Till? UJIM OF ONL', TI IOUSAND IAVO HUNDR1,A) SF'.V ENTY -SIX AM 87/100 DOLL.ARS ($135,276.87) TO SKF' CUNSTRUCTICK LLT% ITAt SAW 1'R0JI_-,C1, AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFIX11W" DATE 11 IIAM31K * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, * * * * * * * - * * * * 41, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *4, * 4, * * WHEREAS, be (Ty of 1hytown cmitmeted with SKE Wristruction, 1.1,C, for tile Waterline System Rehabilitation Project (the WHIATEAS, aH of the said improvements, as provided in the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by the City's engineer and vis ailinwed and adqmed by the City, Council have been perforined and completed in full accoMance u ilia call ofthe ierinsand conditions oftheal'oresaid contract; and 'NJ IERLAS, the (0y's, enghicer in the nwuuwr pn)\Idcd by the ter nis of the said contract aincl the plans and specificalitmis thaeMl has approved and accqued be Ma erline Sysem Rehabilitation Project, has heretow issued his cenwricate or 11hud Acceptance, has certified saine to the City Clr ned. and has rCC 0111111 ended that it accept eared receive said work and improvements as constructed and comouted 11), C'ontraclor: and WHEREAS, bum re,unaks dtw and owing to SKE (Amstruct-ion, LL(A the sung or (DNE I wommi) 111,110TY-11W HIMSAM) TWO HL)NDRED SEVFNTY-SIX AND 8000 DCMA.ARS ($135176.87), N () W TJ I 1 R Fl"() R F, n IT CAMAIM'D 13Y TI ('()IJNCH. CA' T1 1F CATY OF BAYTOWN,41YAS: `section 1: 1% the (My (,ouncil hereby accepts and approves the above-described Nvork and improvements, and finds and determine's that aril or said inirinwernents have been completed as provided in tile plans and specifications thereof', and in Rdl accor,dance wh rail or Hw turns and provisions of be akwnaid CMUM0. Section 2: 1% the (WHkate of F&I AcuptaIwe haeWrom iSSLIed by the (.11y"s engineer and certified to the C'hy CAmneil is hercb), accepted and received. Section 3: 'Fliat final payinew to SKF' ('onstructi , in the amount or (.)NL, I IUNDRLD PURTYTIVE "I"HOUSAND TWO HUNDRED S1,,V1,,NTY-SIX AND 87/100 DOLLARS ($135.276.87) is hereby, aw horized. Section 4: This ordinance simil We of imuneWmely Mmn anti couried of dw (10 of 13PIM"). INU(:DUCED, HAD aid PASSIM) by the affirmative 'vote of I Baytown this 2011 Mz 7"> 'N PI V 6 fif) 'A 1 S I lxj; , S_WA .FTICIA APPRCM-D ASTUT-0101: . .. . ...... ......... . ... . _7 ........ .. . ....... . . . ... ... NI ('10 RAMIRL-1"., SR- R KMAkwo ow" MN—M W" B tnairy d k hf rIjl ^, Wauflmv�,% 11N TFAI its passage by the (My ity! C01,11161 Or tile City Of" DON("ARLOS, Nla^