Ordinance No. 12,179ORI-ANANC"I'. NO. 11179 AN CITY (. "OtJNC,"ll,, 01"I'llF, (TIA' OF BAYTOWN.TFXAS', ACVI-JITING "I'HE BID OFIRA-TWIAN CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR THE REA10VAL AND DISPOSAL OF DHRE'IA(,1 PILIN( iS IN TABBS BAY; AUTHORIZING AND kIANA(-J-,R AND CITY CLF.RKTO FXI-.0111, AND ATTLSr' TO A CONI'MACT "M I HUFFN1AN CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR SAID PRO.IF."CT, AUTHORIZING PAYMENT Wr IT) EXCHED THE SUM 01: ONE' HUNDRFJ) IIHRTY41RJR TIMUSAND NINE HUNDRI",I-) THIRTY-TWO AND NO/100 DOL LA IZS($134,932.001 MAKING OTHER I 1ROk" IS IONS AND PROVIDING F"ORTHF. WHFREAS, the C.ity, Council of the ("'ity, of' Baytown did advertise for bids Im- the removal and MysM of derelict pilings hi I'abbs Bay io be ree6ved on January 30,2013; and WIll..Rl:,AS, notice to bidtlers as to the thre vinn ph=4 wheli and where the bids %vould lie publicly opened and read aloud mus published purmwnl to pnivishms of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252 A4 1; and WI IERF,AS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City, I WI 2:00 o'clock pAn.. Wednesday, January 30,2011 as per puNished notice to bidders: BE ITORDAINE'D BY TI CITY ('(WNCIE (A''I"I IF CITY Ol- BAY `I'0\VN, -11-'�XAS: Section 1: That tile City, Council of the City ol'Baytown hereby accepts the hid of" iluffillan Cowstruction, hic, Aw the removal and disposal of duchet pH&gs in rabbs Bay according to the plans and specifications set RM and authorizes payinein or an amoutH nat to exceed ONE I RJN DRED 'ri I my- FOUR THOUSAND NINL HUNDRFD THIRTY-'JAVO AND N(VIOO DOLLMS (S134132MO) Wised upoll tile unit prices specified in the bid, mid We Cii), Manager and (lie City Clerk ofthe City are hereby aukoHmd and d0wed to cxm"W and MWM to a coinmet "Ah HunWan Construclion, Inc., for the above- described prqject, saki contract cmnainhg the plaint spedficatknz and requirements ofthe ('ny`s Engincer and appropriate bond requirements in acc ord a lice with tile provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2251 Section 2: That pursuant to die provisions or Texas Local Government Chide Annotated § 252.048, the City N,1anjgcr is hereby granted gowmi mahoWy to apirmv any, clang e order. Wvolv&g as deacase or an increase in coos of FIFTY T11OUSAND AND N0/100 D()I,LARS ($50M(00) or less, Mlt°sjCd to the provision that the mighnl colamci price may mm he increased by more thvin avenly-five percent (2551) or decreased by more than menly-five percent (2511K0 Without tile COnSeM 01"(11C COMNMMAO such decrease. Section 3: 'His ordhizince shall take effect unmedidiely from as coww H of we wy or Bay-town. INTRODUCED, IV and PASSIM by the alltmmiw vote M Buylown this the ki W alai 2013. Kai, B 4-1 A'I-V NP "iC 6k ) fik i.` ii APP �OVED i `S'FO FORM: N AMH Fin 1 oy Awwo momm" N K t "'bi um", I 1 - Wmd L&hd w, do� its passagc by tile City City Council offlic City of ONCARLOS, Mayor