Ordinance No. 12,177ORDINANCF: NO. 12,177 AN ORDINANCII OF TIT11 CITY C01JN(TI. OF III F CITY OF BAYTCAVNJT'.XAS, AUTHORIZIN(Ji AND DIRFC,TING Tim (Ti"Y NAANAGISTU N11GOTIATF, AND F'XF.CU1T1, A PROFFSSIONAL SERVICES AGRU'A,:,N41",N1 WITH PJI.RCF, GPOODWIN AIA-.-,XANDF,,R LINVILLF, INC- I•OR PRi-JAMINARY 1)1-,'SIGN SERVICI:,S H)R 'H IL: JOINT 911 IA4FRGF,NCY C(YvINIUNICATIONS ATO) INFORMATION DATA SFRVK.T-.S CT',NTF�R I1IW.I1 CT; A UT1 I OR I/ IN G IIA"I'N,11"NT BY T1 IF' Cl FY 01 BAYTOWN IN AN AMOUNT NO'[' TO FXCFTD FIVF'I1UNDRr.DAND NO/100 DOLLARS 017,500.00)-, MAKING ()I-1-111Z PR(.)VISIONS iUA..ATFf) IJII.`. RFTO-, AND PROVIDING I 'OR 131'ITORDAINFA7 BYTIIF.CFrY COUNCIL OFTYIF CITY 01: BAYT0\VNJT`, :AS � Section 1: That the CRY Council of the City of' Baal tow n, 'I exas, hereby authorizes alld discos We Coy Manager to negodaw and execute as I't•fessional Scivices Agreement with Pierce Goodwin AICNandcr & Linville, [tic., for pvlirninaty design services ror the Joint 911 Emergency Communitrubms and Infonnstion Data Services Center Pntecl, Section 2: "Mat the City C`ouncH of the Chy Y' Baytown authorizes payment to Pierce Goodwin AleNWI&I' & IJIlVille, Inc. in an aniumi not tk.) exceed SFVFNTFT,N' THOUSAND HUNDR1,A) AND N0/100 DOLLARS (SI7,500MO) Ar pwhmhag thsign servies, in accomiance Nvith be agwernetit WSW in Won I hereinaknv. Smtion 3: '['hat the Cily Manager is hereb.) gmnwd gownd authoro taa approve as decrease or an increase in costs by FIF-TY T1 I0(JSAND AND NCl/I00 DOLLARS ($550,000JW) Or less, provided that the amount authorized in Section 2 hereof may not be increased by more than tvvenvy-fivc percent (2 5 Section 4 'rhis ordn"ce shall take cribet inimedimely Uni atul after its passHgc by the coy council or be cjy or By1mm. INTR0DtJC'F,D, READ and PASSI.A) by the alli"ali Baytom this the W day of 11br-urny, 2013, APPRC)VFD AST() FORAI: �a el, 4.&ACK) RANT REZ. ST, Ci 10 (lorney C of We City COMWH of die City of 11. DONCARLOS. Wpm - R Am W N 0 C" 4 m=1 Mm"AW I 0 Q mu; I TTGAI A P CWHOU Loup I mwmvm� Cofm Im lw ]Oons& 140 e �,,v:,Cvj &,wT P1 (�J e I &n T: 0 APPRC)VFD AST() FORAI: �a el, 4.&ACK) RANT REZ. ST, Ci 10 (lorney C of We City COMWH of die City of 11. DONCARLOS. Wpm - R Am W N 0 C" 4 m=1 Mm"AW I 0 Q mu; I TTGAI A P CWHOU Loup I mwmvm� Cofm Im lw ]Oons& 140 e �,,v:,Cvj &,wT P1 (�J e I &n