Ordinance No. 12,1760RDlNA,N(.,T', NO. 12,176 AN ORDINANU OF ITHT CITY ('01 N(Al. OF TUE CITY Ol-'1,3AY'I'()N�,"N,'I'I.'XAS,, AUTH(MUZING AND DIRFl (-IING P H! (All' \)ANAGF,'R AND (.1TY CLFRK TO 1`,XF0JTF,' AND ATTF.ST TO A ('ONTRA(.-F WITH NIONTGONIFRY BUILDING SERVWIS, llk4 I= PlE BAY'-rOWN GATFWAY PRC-)Jr.',(,`T IN AN ANIOUJNT NOT TO J.�,XCEED TWO HUNDRED HUITY-SHVEN 11K)USAND F(. O( 'R HUNDRE'D FORTYIEHREF AID) NCY100 DOLLARS (S287,4-13.00),, NIAKINU ( THFIR IWOVISK)NS RIA-ATEL) ITEREITH ANI) PROVHANG FOR ME' lA-`Fl.-C FIVI", DA TT_ Tl IkK1,01". * ** * * ** * * *: * * * * *:* * * * *4, * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *:4 *** * ** * * * * * ,4: * * 'r 4: * * * * * * 4- *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4, WIKREAS. Me Cly of Baytown did adverike for bids Wr the Baytown Giateway, Project to be received on February 5, 2O1 3„ and WIIEREA4 mmice to biddot as to the linic and place, Ken and where the bids would be PUldiCly Opened and read aloud Was published pursuant to provishms of-fexas Local Governilrent Code Annoinaed § 252.(111; and WHERF,AS, all bids were opened and publicly read al City Hall at 300 o'clock p.ni., Tuesday, Febnmry 5. 2013. as per published notice to bidders: N0%N1Tllr`,R1,FORE, BE OF HAYI OWN, TrX AS: Section 1: That fire (:'iiy Council or the CAy or Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Montgomery Building,, Services, for the Baytown Gateway Project according to the plans and spec fictakris so Anh by the CIQ enoncer and author-izes payinent of an innourn not to exceed TNV() HUNDRF-J) iLlurry.sEVY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRI-,D AND NO/1(10 DOLLARS ($287A43AKO: based upon the prices specified in [lie bid, and the (Jty Managerarld the ("ily nak or Me City are hereby nuthorind and ddect"I to execrate aml rat st to a contract % Monjornay Ulding Savices, LLCA Por be a4weWescrdied pixjecL said cotanto comainAg dw plans, specifcations, and requirmnents of the Clq s crighwer and appaqnAte bond r"judanems in accmdmwe with the provisions of 'rexas Govern ment C'odc, (liapter 22.53. Section 2: Tlial pwsw"H to the provisions of Texas Local (3ovenurient (, 'ode Annotated § 252.048, the City Kinager k hewhy grawed gmicral andwity to appnwe any change order inVOlving it decrease or an increase in costs of HFTY TH()1)SAND AND N(")/100 DOLLARS ($50,000,00) or less, sul"ect to the provision that the o62inal connito price inay not lie increase(] by more than twenty -live pwTm (2 11) or decreased by nrore Man menty0w percent (25',1,) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease, Section 3: TMs, oahnance shall take effect hurned0tely froin and after is passage by the (-'ity ('ouncil offlic 0ty ot'Haytown. Its TRCIDUCIA), READ aml PASAA) by We al4krimive me of 11 0q, Council of the CA, of Z� C Baylo"ii this the 10 Ity of FeNtrary. 2013. k -4 Lill A PIT V FJ) NE H F. .,I m V I' es I( wy ( ounc I I g riI h nm I tl � TO, I um % H\7, I 1 1( 6 IV " av I I ")"I J S i4;Pllf-'N-H—r)(,:)NCARI,,OS, MaYor