Ordinance No. 12,175C Bi[NANCI,-', NO. 12,1 75 /%N C)RDINMWE OF IF III CATY CMUM211. 03F 171411 MTN" C,)]-' Bz%N' [-()WN, YNITFEWRIMNO Wl III PAWMENT cm: 'rt Is,., StJP%4 ()F I I IC"7)LJSANU]) %ND N<9 40() DOLUMIS (SWA)(WOO) 11C.7AT 11101 IT IPW., FUR W IL- I"URCI 1A,SL' OF A rv1UJI:FI- MISSR)N RES(-'LJF, 13C,),AF FUR WIE' II✓NN'TOVVN FiRli AND 1"ULAC:7U.". m/mium mr-Fam i Est ovinmN.',; izi --i d vi-iw ANII 1"WIN/11311M FOR '0111ERIONS. "102mas Local Ciuvari-irrient C:ode r•imotated §2•2,022 1-.or-L-wides that -,vhen the t1inctional rc °cpuairc raacrrt_� ref'" lac C"ia, can onb" be satisfied, by twic nourwo, die reuiLike"ie"t Sir competitive WN 4 not applicable: and WE JETICIQAS� the 1-m-ocuruirvent Wn imilti-mission rescue boal Rw die Haylo%vri t9rcuiul INAice Deparmsents com be SUAKIMLI by onty curie source, Bow ItiWit Marine, Inc.: NOW' YI 11 -1-1, L:-,] HE Y1 UIUMINUDIBY T! fit C' I' C70UNCIII. OF I M E C.71TY Ol-* 13AY-Y4J Nk'N. Secti'L,)n I - 'Fliat the CAI Y C_ Crarracil ortliv c7wy crf Bayw"n, 'rexas, hereby declares that otit, onc SC)Urce Call satist'y the needs ofthe ClOy for a till] tt i-1-11 issi(:�m reseue boal Ccm- the Baytowil Fire alid IN"Aice Dep"11-111lerrAs. Section 2: the Ofthe (Zia, of Haytown. Wexas, atrthorizcs p-aynient ot"t'lle "stini ot-S1'1*%TY- FIVE A-1 [OUSAMI) WWI NO/100 DOMARS ($65A)CKVOU) to Mut Right Marine, Inc., as the sole SOLIrCe- loo tile pLirchase, of multi-mission imsette boat Wr die llaymm Fire and Police Deparimmits. Section 3: 'I'llat plin"naill t, ca the of-loxas U.0cal 0overriment CA)de wNimmated § 252.04M, the Manag�cr is 11CFeb-s'granwd, gQ.ricial aurtharity to approve any cluirigo usi-der involving a decrease or guar increasie in of t', I 1_" 1 1, Yr "I'l 1 (D U S Ak 04 13 Ak N D 10 CD/ 1 00 17091 1 wk It S; (;1550 „C: 00.00) or less. S"1: eel U5 t 11 e p i ” i Oil I but I I I e i g in a I C ot I I ra C t price may not be in•rQasod L-)y, iriore th.m twomity-five pareent (2595) or deercilsed LiN, morc than t%ven*•nve poment (25%) %vidictlit the consent ofthe Contractor to Stich SCCIriOn 4: This cirdinaiwe shall take effi,cl imirtedintely, tly"n and afer 117 t �'S IIZISSaIgC by° the Of die My of Bayto"w. 'i�� INI-RC)DUCED, RE W3 mid IONSSIA3 by the vote ofthe 2.4"" d. o f Ja i i t. t, i ry, 2 0 1 3. SWAP! 11111 q M31 MQUI bp ......... cl ,A t" I >I >,,0 V 1 13 A, 11 �5 1- 1 PAN1l'IItE'z" SR- CilyzVorney R . " K3TQJI• r- OCI, A. '112, COIAMWI I Ul d I H a 1 '120 R 3 IJ antl Mry -1 $ '�S' cl I.°", o r c'c rknobrt do'� x ', C'.'CNknlC it oTtIle C"ily of-Bayto'.vrl dais the COW1.05k May"n