Ordinance No. 12,174ORDINi\NWE'NO. 12,174 AN ORDINANCE OF IIIE CITY COUNCIL ()F TI II CITY 0FI3AYT0\vN,'rI-',X AS, AM: ITINGTH)', 131D OT`J.T,B, SERVICES. INC,, FOR THEANNUAL DEMOLITION 0I,'RI`,S I DI-..N'VIAL STRUCTURES WhIf It ACTANDAIDWORIZiNG PAYNIENTBY THE ary OF BAYTOWN. IN "I I E ANWUNT OF TWO I I LJNDRI-A)'I'II(AJSAAVl) Aha) N(VIOO rX)LLNRS ($2➢0a00.00); MAKING OTHER PIO)VISK)NS RELAIIH) AND PROVIDING FORTI lEf"J"I'l-CTIVE, WHEREAS, the (Ty Comlehl of be City ot"llymm dild authorize the Purchasing Deparunent Ibr the Chy of Baytown to advertise Wr bids for tire Annual Demolition ot'Residential Structures Conlracr to be received December 20, 2012; and WHEREAS, mice to bidders as to dw thne and phme, when and where the contract would be let was published I)LIA'SLIN111 10 the PIX)VOW of ChqAm 252 ofilicTexas Local Government Code and WHEREAS, all bids were opened and pubhcly read at be Wmicipal Services Center aat WK) p.m., Thursday, December 20, 2012, as per published notice to bidders; N()WII IFR)"I"ORE BL ITORDAINL-J) BY 11111 011 'COUNCIL OF TI IF'CITY 01" BAYTOWN,TFXAS: Sectiml 1: "!lot the City Council of the City or Baytown hemby ameos We bid of JAW. Smwkem kc. Or We Annurd Demolition of Resheraial Svuclmvs Conhum tier thaw same of TWO II INI)It.ED THOUSAND AN 1) NC.)/l00 DOI s1.ARS ($200,0W00) and authorizes payment thereof. Section 2: That pursuant to We lxo%jsions of 1bus, Lmcal Government Code Annotated §252A41, the City Manager is hereby granted geneml audwriq—no approve any change order hnAvOg a decrease or an hicrease in costs of FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($50,OWOO) or less, subject to the Inovision that the orighm! coirtract brace may not be increased by more than twenty-five percCnt (2551) m decreased by more than twenty -Ave percent (25�4�) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Secdon 3: This ordhance sludl, take enbu imi-twdimely Ruin and Council ofthe City of' Baytown, INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the aWriatke vote of Biaylown this (lie 24"' (lay, of January, 2013. IT`J1 ry 1,. 110 IS V. 2 I S'nn" 'Cit 01 - I - orlicy its pamage by die City City COUnCiI Of the City Of D(..')NCA RJ OS, Mal'or