Ordinance No. 12,1730 R 1) 1 NA N (" F, N0, 12,173 AN ORDINANCE OF .1.111. cra COUNCIL 01''I'1 IF CIT'N OF 13AN,`F0WN,'1 FXAS, ACCE.1"FING'I'llE BID OFNIFGASAND ENTERPRISF S. INC., 1°OR'FI1F,ANNLJAI- CF',ME'N'FS'FA13 I UZED SAND CON'FRACA"AND AU I'l ]OR [ZING PA YN4L-.N'FBY'I HF, ('IFY 01; 13AY'Y0WN,'FII1: ' SUM 0FONF' HUNDRED 'HIfR'rY 'HIOUSAND ()NE, FRJNDRE'D Fl I "FY- FIV E AND NO/100 D(A-I-AR S ($130,155.00); MAKING (YFFIER PROVISIONS RELATEDW-11,`1ZI'A'0, AND PROVIDING FOR'11 IF FIVE' DA'L'I ** * * a r **** ***** * * * ***** * ********* **4 * ** *4 * *** * * *$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *rye * * * * **** * ANN IIJEAS, the (Thy CotincH orrhe CA, orlhtyrowin dW awl" orize dw PurcluisAg DeImMnero Rw the city or mytown to advertise for bids for the Annual Urrient Stabilded Smid Contmet to be roceival December 5,:N)12; and VVI IEREAS, ricnice to bidders as to the tinwand place, when and where the omract would he let was Imblishal pursuant to be pmvishis of Ch"Wr 252 of Me TemN Local Government Code; arKI NVIIEREAS, W1 bids Nvere opened and Imblicly read at City Hall at 2:00 p.m., Wedriesday. December 5, 20 11 nN pa rmblished notice to bidders: N('-)W'f'I 11",REFORt., BE,, 11, ORDA IN FD 13Y `H,IF-,CFFY Col JNCIL 01"I'11F. C11 "Y 13AY'1'0WN,'1 FXAS: Section 1: 'Flun [lie Cits„, Cotirreil or be Chy of Qlowri hereby acceMs the bid of Megasarul 1.`.nterprises, Inc., Jor the Annual Cement SlabilizedSand Conunct 'HIOUSAND ONE, HUNDRED FIF-I'Y-FIVE, AND N()/100 DOLLARS ($130,155.0(1) and alithorizes payment thereof". Section 2: 'Hiat pursuant to die proviskis of Fexas Local Government Code An §251048. We City Manager is hereby granted genend awhority to approve any change order involving an decrease or ainn increase in costs of FIFFY TI RXJSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($50,00(1.00) or less, sobject to the provisions Hun the ot-ighWl Contild price nuty not Inc hwwased by mom than awnty-five pewent (2511) or decreased by more than twenty-five pement (25%) without be covem of flee cotumoor to such decrease. Section 3: "this Wiriance shall take eftccl imjnedrately from and MOM Pan= by the City Cotincil cd,the City of Baytown. I N'FRODUCE.D, REA 1.) and IIASSIJ) hy the affimiative vote of 1 Uily, Council of the Cly of' Ikown this the 240 day of January, 2013, / -,A—� APPROVIAA AS Tol I "I e% '.' RAKwe&FAQ(Ty tlornq 'FEPHF�,'N 11. DONCARIPS, Mayor