Ordinance No. 12,172(..)RF")INANC,7F."NO. 12,172
AN QRDITJANCI C)F ll 117 C7111' CX31.1NCII. OF '1 "1111 C711-Y OF BAY-FOWN, `11 AR
FUTNEWINU 71 113 (C(:..)N'['1-,AC,'A` vvrrii WASAW PAAQ/%(AEN1I--'N'' (-,.,)F 'I'L-XAS, INC-
SUCCESSCM 174 1 hill! R IE'-ST1 ''I'C') CFF,%V INC., FOR rllf? ANNL-P,AL,
HUNDRED Al' F) NCl/! ()O 1301.1-ARS ($1 95,(i50.0()),ANF> PUPC)VIVANO, FOR-1A II�
L-,: FF-E*C-F[VL-.' DA11'.
SAWE11 ITA4 Waste Management of-lexas. Ine.successor Ell interest UnCity Waste. Inc, "n" a"mrdcd
the Annual So"ACUS Cm"t"Wt oil N4,1�v 8, 2008, pursuant to conipetitive biddin. -ocedures,
"40ch contract included an option by the parties to rencw 1a r' addititmal orteomar Irel-kris; and
NAMEREAS, such contruct was rene"ned January H. 2004 November 24. 2009, February 10, 2131 1. and
Januap? 1 2, 2012, and call be renewed agaiii R)r al) ad(jritjk)jIajj 1�)Ijje-'rear- jet ill; an'll
NVI \Va.ste Management of lhxa, Inc, has hidi"aud, Its NviHingriess to renew die emmuct Or
an additiotral year under the saine terms and corlditions'; and
WI 11-A-UtAS, the A(AIn ill isu-at ion has revic-'ved flic market c(..)nditionsand R-CCO'llulel-ld" 1-elleNval "'S 1"2'riVr
ill tla best inter'L:st of the City, NC)W 11
1311`. FF (31 13 A 1 F! I ) B N, , 1"] 1 E C, I - FY COUN CT I L (017 _111E CFFN' C) 1: B A Y 71-0 %%" 44, -T IE XA S:
sectiml 1: what the (PQ Council OF the City of Baytown hereby rcnews flIc Annual Rcdl _( ) f - I Ir
Container Services CAmmmel "Ith Waste Manapynient or lexas, in". Or the SU"I OF UNIT 11111^A1)REE)
NINF,'FY-FlVY,`, 'FII(,)LJSAND SIX 11UNIARIAD 111"UN, AN13 1"J01100 13()[-I-,AI1S (%'19-5,050.00), which is
inclusivt! ol'a 25% change order, and authorize,;a payment thcreot-.
Section 2: lids ol-dirtance shall take enoct
Council CA'd-W C7il
m Trio 013 U C211114 RE/1173 and PASSFA) by the atrinninive,
Bayt,own this
S, -J`1111,
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R " K I kr I "(r 'u03 <1 I\( )a JJT I MWCANM 3 Qmmm y 2-OR, "wwAmm& RW AM K OW a WmCm"mw do c
and cifter, its passage by flic City
i ty C' (.-) I I I'l c i I o f` t I 10. C i I N o f
NCARI.C31C Whymi.