Ordinance No. 12,171ORDINANCE NO, 12',171 ANN ORDINANCT OF" THE' C11Y ('OUNCIL 01" THI: CITY OF BAYTONVN, TEIXAS, I ACCETTING THE BID ("A' LE'M CIONSTRUCTION CO., INC., I"OR THE CDBG NON- HOUSING ("'FiNTRAL OFF-S [TL: LIF"T SI'ATION PROJF`CT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIN(i THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLE"RIZ, TO FX F'C UTHI AND AT"IEST TO A CONTRACT NNIFTH LJ.-M CONSTRU,C'TION CO- INC., FOR SAID PROJL.'CT, AUTHORIZING PAYNIFNT NOT I , 0 F"XCEEDTI It"' SUM OF`SF'1'VL`1N MILLION TWO I lUNDRE'D FOI ']'Y-SE%71'-N'1'1[0tJSANI) FIVI`; HUNF)RED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($7,247,500M); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS R I" LATI,-J) THERETO; AND PROVIDlNG FOR Till", E,FFFVTIV1? DATF T] , , W1 IFIREAS, tile City Comicil ol'the City of' Baytown did advertise for bids doer the CDBG Non-Housing Central District wastewatel-Trealment Plant Off-Site Litt Station Protect to be rcceived oil December IS, 2012, and Will-REAS, notice to bidders as to the thile and place, when and where tile bids would be J)LibfiCly' opened and read AOUd Was PUbHSIICd [MI-Sliant 10 pl-OVisions of'"I'exas Local Government C , ode Annotated § 252,04 1; and W11FREAS, ,d] bids were opened and publicly, read at City Hall 2:00 o'clock, p.m., Tuesda\, Deccinber 18. 2012, as per published notice to bidders-, NOW TI I FIR I � F`ORE BE FFORDAINTY) BY TI IF, CITY COUNCIL OF-11 IF" CITY OFBAY"FOWN, 'I'F'XAS: Section 1: That the City Council ol' the City ol' Baytown hereby accepts the bid of' LF ' 'M C011StRICti011 CO., ]lie., I01• tile CDB(3 N011-110USill�, CCntl-al District Wastewater Treatment Plant Off-Site Lift Station Pro - jcct according to tile plans and specifications set f'orth by tile City's Engincer, and authorizes Payment Of' a n amount not to exceed SEVE'N MILLION TWO I 1UNDRI,"D FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVI"' HUNDRED AND NO/ioo r)(.)i..]..AIZS ($7,247,500,00) based upon tile Unit ind/Or 1111111) SLI111 priCQS specified in the bid, and the City Manager an(] the City Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and directed to exectile and attest to a contract with 1A."'M Construction Co., Inc., for tile above-described pro , icct, said contract containing flic pLalls, specifications, and requirements of' tile City's U'llgincer and appropriate boll(l requirements ill accor(fillice with tile provisions of'Texas Government Code, Chapter 2253, Section 1 That J)HI-SMUll to tile provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotaled 252,048, the City Nlanager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs of'FIF-TYTHOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($50,0fT0.00) or less, subJect to tile provision that tile original contract price may not be increased by niore thall twenty -five percent (25'�,o)or decreased by niore than twenty -live percent (25','o) without the consent ol'the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take eFfcct immediately from as td after its passage by the City Council ot'llie City (It' Baytown, INTRODUCU"'D, REIAD and PASSED by tile affirmative v I' Ille City Coullcil of the (-'ity ol, Baytown this the 24'�'da ofkinuary, 2013. mam 11`11(71A 13 CitAl )R()VFD AS 11) 1,olz1: R �K a aCD\F I �COC'av I anumi 2T, A Nard( 'D BUNt-m- I I ousingCol I I a I D is IT icil 'I Cain I C5 a I,Lm R.) ff-skc P I oYo doc I 1I;N R DONCARLOS, Maybr