Ordinance No. 12,167ORDINAN(J,` NO. 12,167 AN ORDENANCH OFTIH: CITY COUNCIL OF T111: CITY OF 13AVYOWN. 'I'l `XA S, S FTTI N G A Tl M I -' A N 1) 'LAC F FOR A I I I L I C I I F" A R I N G ()N THE PROPOSED /0NING MAP AN/lENDMENTS ASSOCIATI F) W ITI I "HIE UNIF'IED LAND AND IT(WIDING F'ORTFIF FIT'I"'CTIVE' DATE,''I'l IFRF(fl ", BF IT ORDAM'D BY TIIF CITY COUM 11., 01-` TIII,' CITY OF 13AYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: On the 14"' day of March. 2013. at the regularly scheduled meeting of the. ("OL11161, xvhich commencQs at 6.30 IMIl- ill tile CitV Hall COL11161 ("IMMIM•S cal` the City Of Baytown, 2401 Market Street. Baytown, Texas, the City COLHICII will hold as public hearing giving all interested parties the right to appear and be heard oil tile proposed zoning map amendments associated with the 1,11niflicd Land Developlient Code. Section 1 The City Clerk ofthe City ofBaytow'n is 111d dil-CCted to CMISe 1106CC 01 stash I)Ublic hearing to be published once Ill the nc\vspaper having general circulation in tile City and posted on (lic ("ity's website not less than sixteen (16) days prior to the date of the public hearing. The Oirector of' Planning and Development Services is hercby nutllor,zed and cl,rected to cause notice of Such public hearing to be niailcd in accordancc with Section 13-121 of the Code ol'Ordinanccs, IlaytownTcxas. I Th's ord,nalice sli,all take effect immediately from a ,I after its passage by Sect,on 3� I I tile Citv Council of' the City of Baytowil, INTRODUCED, RFAD and IIASSFD by tile aft-Irniative of' tile City oulled of the City ofilaytmvil this tile 24"' (h'l\'0FJM1Uary, 2013, / " it (t)L . . . . . . ......... ... ... . . . ............ ..... . ..... .. ................... ... ... --------- STI/IlL.11N 11. DONCARLOS, Ma AT TI H 1,1.1 IA 1:3RYSC111, IwAlev