Ordinance No. 11,792ORDINANCE NO, 11,792 AN ORDINANCE" OF THE CITY C01JNCIL 01" THE" CITY 01, BA OWN, 11'" AS, AUTHORIZING THE C'ITY NIANA(_JI`,RTO NEGOTIATE AND L.NTEIR INTO A CONTRACT FORTIJ(i PURCI IASI1` AND INSTALLATION 01"I"IRF, PROP I"QU IPMFINTf,"RONI KIDDE' I"IRF1',TRAINI,`,RS, INC., FOR FIRE� T'RAINING FACILITY - PHASE I PROJI,"CTUNDI"IR 'I'T R,MS AND CONDITIONS ACCLITTABLETOTHE CITY MANAGER AND TIll"CITY ATTORNE'Y; AU11JORIZING PAYMENTTHERE'FOR IN AN AMOUNTNOTT'() 11"Wil'ED FOUR HUNDREI�D EIGHTY THOUSAND SIX 11UNDRE'D AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($480,600,00); MAKING OT HI'llk PROVISIONS RL!' DATED 'I'l IERET(); AND PROVIDING FOR THE" El 1'11-.C'FIVI,'?I)A'1*1?'I I IIE'REOF, BE JTORDAINf D 11Y THE", CITY COUNCIL OFTHE C117 Y0FBAYT0WN,TI`1XAS-, Section 1: That tile City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and enter into as contract for the purchase and installation of lire. prop equipment from Kidde F ire Trainers, Inc., for Fire Training Facility - Phase I Pro ect under terms and conditions acceptable to the City Manager and the City Attorney. Section 2: TIU'lt tile City COL11161 01'111C City ofBi\ltoNvii,'I'exits,,it.ttlioi-izes payment in ail amount not to exceed FOUR I IUNDRED I ' "IGHTY THOLJSAND SIX I ILJNDRED AND NOfl 00 DOLLARS ($480,600,00), pursuant to the agreement identified ill Section I hercoE Section 3: "I'liat IMI'SUallt to thC PrOVisions ofTexas Local Government CocleAnnotated § 2510418, tile City Manager is hereby granted general authority to, approve any change order involving decrease or ail increase in costs of 1"'ll"TY '171401 JSAND AND NC:) /]00 DOLLARS ($50,000.00) or less, Sill) ' jCCt to thC prOViSi011 that the original contract price may not be increased by more than tNventy-five percent (2511,46) or decreased by more than twenty-five Percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take cNect immediately firom and ailer if passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. IN 11tO DUCE D, It FA 1) ail(] PASSED lay the affirmative vote of I lie Cit`yr "ounci (,)I'tlie City ot'Ba)l(iwtiti,iis tile 10 1h day ol Novernber, 2C)1 1. HEN 11, DONCARLOS, Mayor Al ;S"I r "Y' 71� N APPROV ACID RAMIRI-Y, Sit., City i)ritojrley