Ordinance No. 11,787OR-DINANCE NO. 11,787 AN CFFY C-70 INUIT_. OF'FHE CFFY 0I--BAY'fOWN, T'EXAS, AUTTIORIZINCI CTIANC-iE OPLDER No. 2 WIT11 EEM C'ONS-l'RUC-I-I(--)N, INC., FOP- WES-1- T WW-I-P 4,6 mol-) 1--;'XI"ANSIOT-J Pl.-,'0JF-.0 'l'; /'tJ-J'I'1-1OV-fZrN0 PAYT\4f--NF BY TI II- CITY OF BAY-FOWN, TIIE SL.lr\/l Of -I-JIlR'FY-SIX 1TIOUSAND ONF"' lILJNE)aEL) EIC31-1-l"Y-FOUR ANI--) 75/100 f>(:)I-,L,ARS ($36,184.75); AND PRC:)VIIDINCI FOR THE EFF'I--X--'TIVI--' DATF-ETHIEREOF. BE-'I'F ORI..3/sINED BY f1 -1 -113 C-`FFY COUNCIL 01--Tf IE CI-I'Y OF'l'3AY"I'OWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby aLltll0l-iZC Change Order No. 2 vvith I-L"M Construction, Inc., For the West District W\N/'I'I" 4.6 N4GD Expansion Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit 'V"s, " and made as part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City ofBaytown hereby authorizes the payn-lent of- 'I'l.-IIR-I"Y-SIX 'I"HOUSANI:) ONE FFLJNDR'El-3 EI0I-lTY-FC--)UR AND 75/100 ($36,184.75) to L-L!"M ConstrUCti0n, Inc., For Change Order No. 2 f-L.)r the West District WWTP 4.6 MO" Expansion Project. Section 3: This ord inance shall take effect in-irriediately Frorn and after its passage by the City Council of"the City or Baytown. IN'l-F,'ODUJ✓ED, REA.1-3and PASSI -IL) by the. ,affirt-native vo of- Baytown this the 27"' day c,)I-Cyctober, 201 1, 13 e'.-'- ICs --'NACI0 RAN/lIF'-EZ, SR., Ci ttorney rthe City Council ofthe C."ity DONCARI-OS, Mayor I", ry I Aegal"Kal en I Fi I cs I( 'it.v Counci F( )rdiii a n c— t20 t I (Jciobew 27',4 'fi ant,-( ). d- N""4 \Al—t L) i't, -t VV "N" F PF" I, P, oicc I d �w The City of Baytown plant representatives stated that they had recently changed from using Superior brand chlorinallon and dechiodnation equipment to using Regal brand equipment at all of their plants. When this project was bid, Specifications Sections 15352 and 153513 called for Superior equipment, Based on the original specifications, L had contracted with Chlorination Maintenance to ftimish and install the Superior equipment. This change order aliows Chlorinator Maintenance to perform the same scope of work but using Regal equipment, The total price for this change includes all labor, equipment, materials and supervision, The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, the Owner will not pay for any additional changes for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Additionally, no fees ancUor time for extended overhead will be given to the Contractor by the Owner for work related to this change, WNFMIT3 Contract Surnmary, Ix, D Ir? ctor of Engineering Date BirectOr Of Finance' bate Zrty—Manager Date >r , 02 0"I "Atkins, Project Manage-7 t7 t Leit Bi%flOWN Brief Description of Changes: • CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 2 West District WWTP Expansion 4.6 MGD October 7, 2011 The City of Baytown plant representatives stated that they had recently changed from using Superior brand chlorination and dechlorination equipment to using Regal brand equipment at all of their plants. When this project was bid, Specifications Sections 15352 and 15353 called for Superior equipment. Based on the original specifications, LEM had contracted with Chlorination Maintenance to furnish and install the Superior equipment. This change order allows Chlorinator Maintenance to perform the same scope of work but using Regal equipment. The total price for this change includes all labor, equipment, materials and supervision. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, the Owner will not pay for any additional changes for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Additionally, no fees and/or time for extended overhead will be given to the Contractor by the Owner for work related to this change. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Add revised Chlorinator Maintenance contract amount for Regal equpment LS 1 $36,184.75 $36,184.75 ota Contract Summary: $ 36,184.75 Original Contract Price $18,893,900.00 Previous Change Orders This Change Order $3,852.56 $36,184.75 Revised Contract Price $ 18,933,937.31 Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days Previous Time Extensions 730 0 This Change Order 0 Revised Contract Duration itivr(Construction., nc., Project Ma r - Calendar Days Director of Finance .7)0Ir)Rai p;; 4, p.e. Atkins, Project Manager l0/17j00 1/ Date (C27 it Date /0/7/30/ D to 730 1/004:#' v6 w