Ordinance No. 11,773ORDINANCE NO. 11,77-3 AN ORDINANCE 01 "THE ary COUNCII, Ol"THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. I WITH C.F. MCDONALD ELECTRIC, INC., FOR THE CDBG NON-1 IOUSING EMERGENCY POWER PROJECT: WASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANT GENERATORS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AND FUNDING BY THETEXAS DEPARTMENT OF RURAL AFFAIRS OR ITS SUCCESSOR; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,THE SUM OF NINETY-EIGI-IT THOUSAND SEVENTY-EIGHT AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($)8,078.00); AND PROVIDING FOR T14E EF1`EC`I'IVE DATE THEREOF, =W% * * * * * * * * * A, * * * * * * * * 4, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k** **' *** * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That subject to approval and funding by the Texas Department of' Rural Affairs or its successor, the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. I with C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc,, for the CDBG Non-Housing Emergency Power Prqject: Wastewater Treatment Plant Generators, A cop), of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That flic City Council ofthe City of Raytown hereby authorizes the payment ofNIN ETY-EIGHTTHOU SAN 1.) SEVENTY-EIGI IT AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($98,078.00) to C,F, McDonald Electric, Inc., for Change Order No. I for the CDBG Non-Flousing Emergency Power Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Generators, Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote o - ffieCity Council of the City l of` Baytown this the 1 It" day of l October, 2011. / APPROVED AS TO FORM: SIC ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., (r v Attorney ST EYHEN FI—DONCARI-OS, Mayor Woobu I doe a sM CHALr, P 1"OR 9 ('().NTR,1V11TAA1 FN D.111 I'S ["101-111 C --j C 110F)AFLICtioll C'olih-,wL Ord. r Aj�iproval Contract For: Date - September 2_ 1 , 20 1 1 Owner* City of Baytown 2401 Market SL Baytown, TX 775'2,0 P1 wne 1171: 281 - ^'1'2 -8281 Contractor: C,F. McDonald Electdc, Inc. 5044 Timber Creek Houston, TX 7701 Agre,entent OateAUly' 7, 20,11 Phone 4� 713-921-1368 CDBG Nor,i-l' dot.isingi Wastewalor Emergency Power Waslewales Trean"nont Plant Generl:Itors Engineer: Jones & Carter, hil",. 6335 Gulfton, Suite too Houstoi i, TX 77081 Phone U, 713-777-5337 Engineer's Proje,(,A No� 5466-006C Project No. 5466-006C DR Contract No. Change Orclor No. 001 You herr"by loque'Acd to comply wMi Oio toHowing changes fli,,jin the contlact pkans and spocificitions- Horn Dascdpfioll of Changos-011anklies, Units, U1fl1 Pric(.9s, lilcrease" hi No � 1 Chango in Completion Scheduled, Elc � I (°:^ontracI Pric ("Cq1tract llrl�",e . .. . . ..... '1111 PiroJecil InIpIcluent.,rdon Manual PagQ ,:, 1 0 4 Additional cost 10 1'01TIOVe Unknown, buried concrete 6 obStRIC00r) from pier tociflon al the Central F)istrict $3,828,58, lant. Additiorial cost dUe to unki")mvn torty-6ght inch ('18") steep pipe, crossing the I'A'oposi-xi dUd, b,,Mk il't tll(-" 2,1f.3069 Central District Plant. 8 Additional cost to excavate alt materi,,�'d W'OUIld proposed pier locations rind repka(;(-', with sm4ial.fle, fill, M; 4 2, 1,3 0 1, 1 Cl compacting in eight inch lifts, 9 Additional cost to x01110 (,'IOCt6CA1 Chid bank beneath the forty -eight inch (48") sk,,wd pip (-,.p arld provide S49,56 4,(,i,3 SUfficient above grade, offsets trm make conriection, . .. . . ..... '1111 PiroJecil InIpIcluent.,rdon Manual PagQ ,:, 1 0 4 DR Division r6[TIbLJ(SertIeOt Of COSIs cipproved by tWs change order, is subject to approval fey "I'DRA. By- H. C IM"TER 9 E N ir Change in Contract Price ' h,'inge in Coi ih,act Timc, f Original Contract Price: $1,626,969.00 Oruginal Coritract Time: 237 clays PreviOLIS Change Ordor(s) Not Change Froin Previous No. 000 to No. 000 S0100 chimige order 0 clays Contract Price Prior to Gontu,,,ict Tir"i ie Prior to this Change Order $1,626,969.00 this Chainge Order 237 days e-t -1-t i c'rease/Decrease of this Change Order S98,078M this Change OrdE)r 60 days act T rk, � V, ih if Contr ant Tirno Witl -i all Approved Orange Order's $1,725,047M Approved Change Orders 297 days CUrnLkIfiVO 9% Charl()G� ir) CO[ItraCt Price: 6.09'a DR Division r6[TIbLJ(SertIeOt Of COSIs cipproved by tWs change order, is subject to approval fey "I'DRA. La Date. S-M)I-L- APPROVEM 13y: OWNE11- City of I-.Laytown Jose Pzistnana, P,F, Date: qIIjw i IHIIFM'I� T� ACCEPTED: By. CONTRACTOR: C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc. Date: 09 - - , 1�( I— Grantee: City of Baytown IXIS Conmact No., 0102,20 Change 01rder No, 00 1 Disaster lzcrcovcw,v 111-oloni'm 111-qjecl Page 2 of 4 By- E N ir La Date. S-M)I-L- APPROVEM 13y: OWNE11- City of I-.Laytown Jose Pzistnana, P,F, Date: qIIjw i IHIIFM'I� T� ACCEPTED: By. CONTRACTOR: C.F. McDonald Electric, Inc. Date: 09 - - , 1�( I— Grantee: City of Baytown IXIS Conmact No., 0102,20 Change 01rder No, 00 1 Disaster lzcrcovcw,v 111-oloni'm 111-qjecl Page 2 of 4 CHAPTER 9 1, Will this Change Order increase or decreasr,, the number of h,, eficiziries? Increasi'i., l. I: Decraase If there is a change, how many beneficiaries wHI be affiactecf? -rotal — -- [:) f eCrease 2, Effect of this, change on scope of wcrk: 0 Increase 3 , . Effect on operation a,,ind maintenance costs: [D Increase 1-1 Decrease a l�Jo C'hange Lim 11 NO Change 4. Are all prices in tho chzingr, order dependent UP011 Wilt PrJCeS found in the onginal bid? 11 Yes NO If "No", explain: Tho schedule of valUeS (lave as startling point for h(1L1rr11g IhE.: additional cost for eMending the piers it) but addifionW cost was inCLArred for rernobili&ifions (A the drilling rig as well as longer drill 6me, 5 Will this change be completed within, lhe contracl penod"? 111 Yes hkfea If "No", eg')ected completion date,: date) 6, I-las this change cre�,.,rled now CirCLIMSIMCeS or envaonniental con6tions which may atiect thus projecj'as stbch as concea4ed or conditions discow"red duhng artual construction'? 1-1 Ye's 11 I,j 0 Disastel. Rveovel-3, 11mgr"wrl I I'll JAC nien t.1 tion M"Inual I'aattr..:t ear at If "Yes', is an Environmental Re-Fissessrnont r(,, q CHAPTER 9 COMILACT-XILEN D)N I ENTS El Yes 7. Is the Texas Comnussion on Environnrenta� Ouality (TCE0) clearance still valid? Yes D NO B. Is the "I"CE permit approval Mill valid? (sevver projects only) Yes CJ No 9. Are the handicapped access requirernervts/approval still vand tif applicabk,,)? 0 Yes 10. Are other, Disaster Recovery contractLK,11 sl)(!Cial C011dition clearance still valid? IN Yes (It no, specify): n No NOTE: generally, a cumulative change in the contract price in excess of 25% cannot be approved. Generally, items noL included or iderltifyillg Unit costs in the original bid documents cann('.')t be approved as chainge order iteriis. Disasivi- Recor Cry Pro-rarn Project Implementation M'armal Page I c.A 4