Ordinance No. 11,764ORDINANCE NO, 11,764 AN ORDINANCE or 'ruu.'. ci'vy ('C UNCIL 01"' '1111,; CITY OF 13AYTOWN, IT"XAS, R1'-'NF",WING 'I'I IE ANNUAL REPAIR CLAMPS CONTRACT WITH A( "°1' SUPPLA, AND AUTHORIZING PAYNII',-`N'I'I3YTIIE CITY 0FBAY'l"0WN,'I"I IF SUN11 OF SIX'FY-TWO THOUSAND SE'VI`1NT)'-SIX AND 41/100 DOLLARS ($02,076,41); MAKING OTIILR PROVISIONS RELATED THI'du-"'ro; AND PROVIDING FOR T] If,"-,' I"'I"FI-XITIVI': DATE TH F"R XVI IEREAS, ACT Pipe &I Supply was awarded the Annual Repair Clamps, Contract oil June 11, 2009 purall'Allt to competitive bidding procedtires, which contract included an option by the parties to renew liar additional one year periods;,and W1 I EIREAS, such contract was renewed on April & 20141, and on May 26,2011, and can be renewed again; and WI lF`1R1',AS, ACTfile & Supply has indicated its willingness to renew the contract loran additional year under the same tennsand conditions; and WI It,"REAS, the Administration has reviewed the market conditions and recommends renewai ass being in tile I best interest ofthe C ity; NO W 111 LAU'FORE 131:-'. IT ORDAINED ciTY COUNCIL OFTHE"' CITN' Ol" BAY VOWN,TFXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby renews the Annual Repair Clarnps Contract with ACT Pipe & SUI)Ifly for the suave of SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND SI'VENTY-SIX AND 41/100 DOL,LARS ($62,076A 1), and authorizes payinent thereof. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of 'rexas Local Government (.-'ode Annotated §252.048, tile City Manager is hereby, granted gOICT,11 Mld)(Wity to approve any change order involving decrease or an increase ill costs ofFIFTYTHOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($50,000.00) or less, prcwided that the original contract price ri'my not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effiect immediately from andaher its pwssage by the City Council of the ("ity of Baytown. IN -FRO DUCEID, REA 1), and PASSED by the affirn'lat ivc vote ofth this the 22"" day of September, 2011 . . . ..... . .... .. S' EPIC i' J AT"IY"ST: I I I -ICIA BRN'-CFJ C ty, �Cr� ,E'I S i V( APPROVI,.'D AS "l'O FORM: ACIO RANURE'Z' SW, City A orney I'Sepl,,mber doc ity Council of tile City of Baytown, DONCARLOS, Mayor