Ordinance No. 11,763ORDINANCE NO. 11,763 AN ORDINANCE" Of"T] IF" CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OFBAYTOWN, TLIXAS, RF'NEWING THE ANNUAL TI IEIRMO PAVEMENTNIARKINGS CONTRACITNVITH STRIPE'S AND STOPS COMPANY, INC., AND AUTI IORIZING PAYME.NT BY THE' CITY OF BAYTOWN,11IF ' SUM 01a ONE 1-11.,)NI)Rl,-I)'[-]-IOL,ISANI) AND N01100 I)OL,l�A[ S($100,000.0)-,NIAIN(,jO'1'111"RillCO VISIONS I�t"sI.A'1'1,.t)'i,iiiliCt"..,r(.);ANI) PROVIDING FORTI IF FJ FI CTIVE DA11''I'1 IEREOF. WI 11"REAS, Stripes and Stops Company. Ine., was awardcd [lie AnnualThenno Pavement Markings Contract on September 23, 2010, pursuant to competitive bidding i'vocedures, which contract included an option by the parties to renew I'm additional one-year periods; and WHEIRE"AS, Stripes and Stops Company, ]lie., has indicated its willing !ness to renew the contract l'or an additional year under file same terms and conditions; and WI IF'REAS, the Adn'linistration has reviewed the market conditions and' recommends renewal as being in the best interest of the City-, NOWTH]"REFORE 13E ITORDAINED BY TI If-" CITY COUNCII., O! "I'l IF.CTI'Y (.)FBAYTOWN,TEXAS,- Section I That the City Council cal the: City ot'llaytown hereby renews tile, Annual Thermo Pavement Nlarkings Contract with Stripes and Stops Company, Inc., in (lie amount of'ONE, HUNDRIII) THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 DOLLLA RS (S 100,000.00) and authorizes payment thercot', Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of' Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252,048. the City Manager is hereby granted general authority 1ci approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs TI IOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($50,000,00) or less, sutaject to the provision that the original contract price inay riot be increased by more than hverltv-five percent (_"Plo) or decreased by niore than twenty-five percent (250/'o) with(,mit the consent ot'the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordisiance shall lake eftect immediately 1roui and after its passage by the City Council ot'llie City of Baytown, Ba INTRODUCED, READ and PASSE"I) by the al'firmalive vote of't��11`11council of , the C , ity of ytown this the 22" day, of* September, 2011, G A APPROVE'D AS TO FORM: 4 CIO RAMIREZ. SR., City t )rneN, G S'Ifl)111�N 11, DONCARLOS, Mayor