Ordinance No. 11,745ORDINANCE NO.11,745 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, ADOPTING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AND DEBT SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2012,UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY;PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS,the City's taxrateconsists of thefollowingtwo components: 1.theratethat,if applied tothetotaltaxablevalue,will impose the amount of taxes needed topaydebtservice;and 2.theratethat,if applied tothetotal taxable value,will impose the amount of taxesneeded tofund maintenance andoperationexpenditures of theCityforthenextyear;and WHEREAS,theproposedtaxrate of $0.42578per$100valuationformaintenanceand operationstogetherwiththeproposedtaxrate of $0.39625per $100 valuationfordebtservicedoesnot exceed the effective tax rate;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:Thatthefactsandmatterssetforthintherecitals of thisOrdinancearehereby found to be true and correct. Section2:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytownherebyadoptsandsetsforthe fiscal year ending September 30,2012,anadvaloremtaxrate of $0.42578foreachONEHUNDRED ANDNO/100DOLLARS($100.00)of assessedvalue of propertylocatedwithinthecitylimits of the City of Baytownon January 1,2011,madetaxablebylaw,whichsaidtaxes,whencollected,shallbe apportionedamongfundsanddepartments of CityGovernment of theCity of Baytownforthepurpose of GeneralFund Maintenance andOperation. Section3:Thattheadvaloremtaxrate of $0.42578,assetforthinSection2,ishereby leviedandshallbeassessedandcollectedononehundredpercent(100%)of eachONEHUNDRED ANDNO/100DOLLARS ($100.00)worth of propertylocatedwithinthecitylimits of theCity of BaytownonJanuary1,2011,asvaluedbytheHarrisCountyAppraisalDistrictortheChambersCounty AppraisalDistrictandmadetaxablebylaw. Section4:ThattheCityCounciloftheCityofBaytownherebyadoptsandsetsforthe fiscalyear ending September 30,2012,anadvaloremtaxrate of $0.39625foreachONEHUNDRED ANDNO/100DOLLARS($100.00)ofassessedvalue of propertylocatedwithinthecitylimits of the City of Baytown on January 1,2011,made taxable bylaw,whichsaidtaxes,when collected,shallbe apportionedamongfundsanddepartmentsofCity Government oftheCity of Baytownforthepurpose of Debt Service. Section5:Thattheadvaloremtaxrateof$0.39625,assetforthinSection4,ishereby leviedandshallbe assessed andcollectedononehundredpercent (100%)of eachONEHUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100.00)worth of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytownon January 1,2011,asvaluedbytheHarrisCountyAppraisalDistrictorthe Chambers County AppraisalDistrictandmadetaxablebylaw. Section6:ThattheTax Assessor and Collector of theCity of Baytown is hereby directedto assess,extendand enter upontheTaxRolls of the City of Baytown,Texas,forthe current yearthe amountsandratesherein levied,andtokeepacurrentaccount of same.All collection of suchtaxes,as wellascollection of taxesowedforprioryears,toincludepenaltyandinterest thereof,shallbedeposited intheofficial depository of theCity of Baytowntobe distributed betweentheGeneralFundandtheDebt Service ona basis determined bythe percentage thateachbeartothetotaltaxrate. Section7:All ordinances orparts of ordinances inconsistent withtheterms of this ordinance arehereby repealed;providedhowever,thatsuchrepealshallbeonlytotheextent of such inconsistency andinall other respects this ordinance shallbe cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject mattercoveredbythis ordinance. Section 8:Ifany provisions,section,exception,subsection,paragraph,sentence,clauseor phrase of this ordinance orthe application of sametoanypersonorset of circumstances,shallforany reasonbeheld unconstitutional,voidorinvalid,such invalidity shallnot affect thevalidity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance ortheirapplicationto other personsorsets of circumstances andto thisendall provisions of this ordinance are declared tobe severable. Section9:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromandafteritspassagebythe City Council of theCity of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the gfly Council of the City of Baytown this the 22nd day of September.2011. V%ETICIA BRYSCH,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IGNACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City Attorney STXPHETTH.DONCARLOS.Mayor VCobsrvT legalKaren'FilcsCity CouncilOulinanccs 2011 September22 h\Ta\RaleK'ienerall:undMain(cnance&Ops&DeblService20l 1 doc