Ordinance No. 11,73901UNNANCE NO. 11,739 AN ORDINANCE' OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OFT1,11; CITY OF BAY"FOWN,TEXAS, LSE NF WIN(3'['Ill-? ANNL)A1,SI,LJI)GEI)ISPOSA[..,CON'I'RAC*'I'Wl'['IISI"lRIN'1'1,(,)(jlS'I'ICS M ANAG F" N4E'NT, LI.C, F�/K/A RUSTIN TRANSPORTATION C , '0N1 PANY, IT, AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY Of- BAY'TOWN, ITIE slim OF TWO lJ()NDRf,'D NINFTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRE'D SIXTY AND NO/100 F)OLLARS ($290,160.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING FOR TI I I -' F` L l I "l V I -' 1) ATE ' 1*11 E RE 0 F WI ll,�RII`AS, RustinTransportation Company, LP, was awarded tile Annual Skjdl.,,,e Disposal Contractoll September 14,2006, INIM1,111t 10 competitive bidding, PTOCcclures, which C011trad ilICILIded an option by tile parties to renew loradditional one-year periods, all(] WI 11.l "RE'AS, such contract was renewed September 13, 2007, August 28, 2008, September 241,2009, and oil July 22, 2010, sand can be renewed for all additional one-year terill, and WI IFIREAS, Sprint Logistics Management, LLC, f/k/a Conipany, IT, has indicated its willingness to renew the contract Im an additional year Under tile saille lennsand conditions„ and WHERFAS, the Administration has reviewed tile nial-]Wet conditions and reconiniends renewal as being in the best interest of" the City; NOW TH I" RE FORE BE IT ORDAINEID 13Y 'I"I'll"CITY COUNCIL OFTIII-.' CITY 01• I3AYT01XN,TFXAS: Section, I : the City Council of tile City of Ba.ytown hereby renews tile contract of Sprint Logistics Ma llagQ tile nt, LLC, l7k/a RustinTransportation Company, LP, tier the Annual Sludge Disposal Contract for tile suni orrwo I 1UNDRED NINETY THOUSAND ONE I It JN DRF 1) SIXTY AND NO/] 00 DO1,LARS ($290,160.00) and authorizes paynient, thereof. Section 2: '['flat purSMAI'lt to tile provisions ofTexas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048,, the City Manager is herct)y granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs of" ["IFTY'I'l IOUSAND AND NO/I00 DOLI-ARS l$50,00()0) of less, SLIb.jCCt to tile pr0ViSi01l that tile original contract price nuty not be increased by inure than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (1259 4)) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect ininiediately from and after its passage by the City Council cif the City of'Baytowrl, I I NTRODL J("I"'I 1), ICI AD and PA SSE'D, by the all irniative vole ofth Jly Council ofthe City ofBaylown this tile 8"' day ofSeptember,,2,01 1, "j ------- -------- oll IAN I I'l 16) ON 'I I I N H. DO ayor ST . ..... i4i, it a 85, 1A I"Wy APPROVED AS TO FORNI: 4JAACICO) RAN1IRFZ, SR., Cit. i torney A'obs,xv I'd eg at'N nrofa F i I CST i ty