Ordinance No. 11,728ORDINANCt"NO. 11,728 AN ORDINANCE OFT] IFCITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01: BAYTOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGE"R AND ary CLERK TO EXFCUTE AND A`FTEST TO A CONTRACT WITH I'm CONSTRUCTION & R1. -lI IAB, LLC, FOR TLIL-" ANNUAL. WATF-IRLINE RE] 1ABILITA11ON PROJEC71- IN AN AIVIOUNT 'NOT TO EXCEED FIVI.' HUNDRED THIRTY-l"ILGI IT THOUSAND THRFE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE' AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($538,375�00); AU17i"JORMNG CHANGE ORDf"R NO. I IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCTITI) ONE HL)NDRED THIRTY-F'OUR TI-IOUSAND I'lVF" HUNDRI,"'D NINF',TY-THREE ANI) 75/100 DOLLARS ($134,593.75); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIV F' DA'1'1,-,'FI-IEROF. WHEREAS, tile City ot'Bayrowm did advertise for bids for the Annual Waterline Rehabilitation Project to be received oil August 18,2011; and WHE'REAS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be publicly opened and read aloud was published pursuant to provisions ol'Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252,041; and WHEIREAS, all bids Nvere opened nand Publicly read at City Hall at 2:00 o'clock p.m., Thursday, August 18,2011, as per published notice to bidders; NOW TI I EREF'OR11" BE* rr ORDAINED BYTI-IF,1 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBAY TOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the C ity of"Baytown hereby accepts the bid of I'M Construction & Reliab, I.A.C, to[- the Annual Waterline Rehabilitation ProJect according to the plans and specifications set Forth by the City's engineer and authorizes payment ofanalTIOU11t of FIVI'-' HUNDRED 111 IRTY -F," I (i J-IT THOUSAND 'HIRL'I'L l-JUNDR11J) AND, NO/100 D01,1ARS ($538,375.00); base(] upon the unit prices specified in the bid, and the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City are hereby atatlaorized and directed to exectite and attest to a contract wvith PM Construction & Rehab, LLC, for the above -(Icsc ri bed project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and reqUirenients of the City's engineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of1'exas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. I with PNI Construction & Rehab, Ll.C, for the Annual Waterline Rehabilitation Project and authorizes payment in an amount not to exceed ONE ILUNDRED TI-IIR'I'Y-I�'OIJR'FEfOUSANI,) FIVE 14UNDRED NINL-1TY- THREE AND 751100 DOLA,ARS ($134,593.75) based upon the unit prices specified in the Annual Waterline Rehabilitation Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "'A" and made a part hereof" liar all intents and purposes. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and aller its passage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of ac City Council ofthe City of Baytown this the 8"' day of September, 2011, c Ci�' Council vo of I � " m x5l S' 1) 1 -11 N 11. DONCARLOS Mayor y';, A"I" t 14,0� CArk 7 , 'J, APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2�D A—R-U--k— – R E NACIO RAN11 ZSR.,Ci1yA1t -my C(wmN1'0Tdmar"'t.' %I 2W I'Sqylv av doc to"w"Alk, I 1111ASNINVOITUNI Exhibit "A" CITY OF BAYT'OW!O Annual Waterline Rehabilitation Project September 8, 2011 This Change Order increases the total contract price by 25%, which is the maxim urn amount by which the contract may be increased by law, in order to take advantage of competitive pricing. Add or Delete Items,: OR 101 i N ....... ............... . ...... . ......... CO #1 increases contract amount b additional work performed by the co wow Contract Summary- Revised Contract Price SHREMMIM ww vldslqml� Previous Time Extensio n s . .. ...... ..... . ... ..... ... This Change Order $ 134,593.75 $ 538,375.00 $ 134,59175 $ 672,968,75i Director of Engineering Date Director of Finance Date City Manager Date