Ordinance No. 11,725ORDINAN CI; NCB. 11,725 AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CIJ'Y COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OFBAYTOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY i\,IANAGER TO N1,"GOTIATE AND ENT]""R INTO A GRANT ADMINISTRATION SERVICI` -S AGREEMI-1-'NT WITH PUBLIC MANAGEMEINT, INC., 11OR T111' OVERALL MANA(A"MENT Ol" '1111" CDBG DISASTER RITICOVERY FUND FOR HURRICANE IKE' ADMINISTERF,'D BY THE TEXAS GENI."RAL LAND 01-FICE UNDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCF.IPTABLE TO THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT1111""REFOR IN AN AMOUNT NOTTO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY -TWO THOUSAND E.IGHTHUNDRED FOR`l'Y-NfNE, AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($172,849.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE 11 IEREOF, BF'ITORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Ol"I'l IE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and enter into (Ji-ant Administration Services Agreement xvith Public Management, Inc., for the overall management of the CDBG Disaster Recovery Fund for Hurricane Ike administered by the Texas General Land Office under terms and conditions acceptable to the City Manager and the City Attorney. Section 2: That the City Council of the City ofBay-town,'Vexas, authorizes payment to Public Management, Inc., in an amount not to exceed ONE 1-1 LJNDRED SEVENTY -TWO THOUSAND ElGi i,r HUNDRED FORTY -NINE AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($172,849.00), pursuant to the agreement identi tied in Section I hereof. Section 3: ']'his ordinance shall take eft'ect immediately from and a' ' Council of the City of Baytown. fter its passage by the City INTRODUC1`11), READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote �tte City Council of the City of w Bayton this the 8'11 (lay ot'September, 2011. Z 14 A' A T -E ' l L -�'TIC I A 'Y Via "Cily APPROVI'?D AS TO FORM: 14ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., 7-c--* —ttonicy 4'�Cobm I \1qp&KarenTdcs\City ( . ouncikOrdinancesQUI 1\Sepicmbi:r STI-/1-IEN 1-1. DONCARWS, Mayor