Ordinance No. 11,717ORDINANCE NO.11,717 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,AMENDING CHAPTER 98 "UTILITIES,"ARTICLE III "WATER SERVICE,"SECTION 98- 59 "RATES,"SUBSECTION (A)AND ARTICLE IV "SEWER SERVICE," SECTION 98-91 "SEWER SERVICE CHARGE"OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES,BAYTOWN,TEXAS,TO UPDATE SERVICE FEES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT EXCEEDING FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500.00);PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ************************************************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section1:That Chapter 98"Utilities,"ArticleIII "Water Service,"Section98-59 "Rates,"Subsection (a)of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of Baytown,Texas,ishereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 98.UTILITIES ARTICLE III.WATER SERVICE Sec.98-59.Rates. (a)Rate Schedules.Thefollowingaretherateschedulesforwaterservice: Water Service -Rate Schedule Individually Metered Single-Family Residential Inside City Outside City Base Facility Charge: PerDwellingUnit $6.72$13.44 Customer Charge; Per Bill Issued $3.23 $6.46 Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons); Upto2,000 Gallons perUnit Over2,000-6,000GallonsperUnit Over 6,000-12,000 GallonsperUnit Over 12,000-18,000 GallonsperUnit Use Over 18,000 Gallons perUnit $2.30 $3.45 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 Water Service -Rate Schedule Multi-Family Residential MasterMeterService Base Facility Charge: PerDwellingUnit Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): Upto 2,000 Gallons perUnit Over2,000GallonsperUnit Unit=Constructed,regardless of whether occupied. Inside City Outside City $6.72 $13.44 $3.23 $6.46 $2.30 $3.45 $5.00 $7.49 Water Service -Rate Schedule Non-Residential Service Base Facility Charge: PerMeterbyMeterSize 5/8"x %" VT 1" 1 l/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): All Use Inside City Outside City $6.72 $13.44 $10.09 $20.16 $16.81 $33.62 $33.62 $67.23 $53.78 $107.56 $107.56 $215.12 $168.07 $336.13 $336.13 $672.25 $537.80 $1,075.61 $773.10 $1,546.18 $3.23 $6.46 $5.00 $7.49 Water Service -Rate Schedule High-Volume User Service Base Facility Charge: PerMeterbyMeterSize 5/8"x V*" 3A" 1" 1 Vin 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): All Use $6.72 $10.09 $16.81 $33.62 $53.78 $107.56 $168.07 $336.13 $537.80 $773.10 $3.23 $3.68 Water Service -Rate Schedule Metered Irrigation Service Base Facility Charge: Per Meter by Meter Size 5/8"x 3A" 3A" 1" i vr 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): 5/8"x 3/4"Meter Upto6,000Gallons Over 6,000 -12,000 Gallons Over 12,000 -18,000 Gallons Over 18,000 Gallons Inside City Outside City $6.72 $13.44 $10.09 $20.16 $16.81 $33.62 $33.62 $67.23 $53.78 $107.56 $107.56 $215.12 $168.07 $336.13 $336.13 $672.25 $537.80 $1,075.61 $773.10 $1,546.18 $3.23 $6.46 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 3/4"Meter Upto 9,000 Gallons Over 9,000 -18,000 Gallons Over 18,000 -27,000 Gallons Over 27,000 Gallons 1"Meter Upto 15,000 Gallons Over 15,000 -30,000 Gallons Over 30,000 -45,000 Gallons Over 45,000 Gallons 1 Vin Meter Upto 30,000 Gallons Over 30,000 -60,000 Gallons Over 60,000 -90,000 Gallons Over 90,000 Gallons 2"Meter Upto 48,000 Gallons Over 48,000 -96,000 Gallons Over 96,000 -144,000 Gallons Over 144,000 Gallons 3"Meter Upto 96,000 Gallons Over 96,000 -192,000 Gallons Over 192,000 -288,000 Gallons Over 288,000 Gallons 4"Meter Upto150,000Gallons Over 150,000 -300,000 Gallons Over 300,000 -450,000 Gallons Over 450,000 Gallons 6"Meter Upto 300,000 Gallons Over 300,000 -600,000 Gallons Over 600,000 -900,000 Gallons Over 900,000 Gallons 8"Meter Upto 480,000 Gallons Over 480,000 -960,000 Gallons Over 960,000 -1,440,000 Gallons Over 1,440,000 Gallons 10"Meter Upto 690,000 Gallons Over 690,000 -1,380,000 Gallons Over 1,380,000 -2,070,000 Gallons Inside City Outside City $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 $10.14 $15.21 $5.00 $7.49 $5.99 $9.00 $7.80 $11.70 Inside City Outside City Over 2,070,000 Gallons $10.14 $15.21 Section 2:ThatChapter98"Utilities,"ArticleIV "Sewer Service,"Section98-91 "Sewer service charge"of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of Baytown,Texas,ishereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 98.UTILITIES ARTICLE IV.SEWER SERVICE Sec.98-91.Sewer service charge. (a)Residential dwelling units.Thesewerservicechargeforresidentialdwellingunitsshall be as follows: (1)Individually metered for water consumption.Each residential dwellingunit individuallymeteredandbilledforthe consumption ofwatershallbechargedfor andshalloweeachmonthasewerservicechargebaseduponthe consumption of water attributed toitasdeterminedbyarticleIII of thischapter relating towater charges,appliedtothe following usage andtherate schedule forsewer service: Wastewater Service -Rate Schedule Individually Metered Single-Family Residential Base Facility Charge: Per Dwelling Unit Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): Upto2,000 Gallons perUnit Over2,000-12,000GallonsperUnit Over12,000 Gallons perUnit Inside City Outside City $6.72 $13.44 $3.23 $6.46 $2.32 $5.03 No Charge $3.48 $7.55 No Charge (2)Jointly metered for water consumption.Multifamily dwellingunit projects not individuallymeteredforwatershallbechargedforandshalloweeachmontha sanitarysewerchargebaseduponconsumption of waterattributedtoitas determined byarticleIII of thischapterrelatingtowater charges appliedtothe followingusageandtheratescheduleforsewerservice: Wastewater Service -Rate Schedule Multi-Family Residential Master Meter Service Inside City Outside City Base Facility Charge: Per Dwelling Unit $6.72$13.44 Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued $3.23 $6.46 Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): Upto2,000GallonsperUnit $2.32$3.48 Over2,000GallonsperUnit $5.03$7.55 Unit=Constructed,regardless of whetheroccupied. (b)Commercial units.Each commercial unit shall be charged forandshalloweeachmontha sanitarysewerservice charge based upon the consumption ofwater attributed toit, appliedtothefollowingusageandtheratescheduleforsewerservice: Wastewater Service -Rate Schedule Non-Residential Service Base Facility Charge: PerMeterbyMeterSize 5/8"x W* y4" 1" 1 l/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): All Use Inside City Outside City $6.72 $13.44 $10.09 $20.16 $16.81 $33.62 $33.62 $67.23 $53.78 $107.56 $107.56 $215.12 $168.07 $336.13 $336.13 $672.25 $537.80 $1,075.61 $773.10 $1,546.18 $3.23 $6.46 $5.03 $7.55 (c)Manufactured home parks.Manufactured home parks shallbechargedforandowea sanitarysewerservicechargebaseduponconsumption of waterattributedtoitas determinedbyarticleHI of thischapterrelatingtowaterchargesappliedtothefollowing usageandtherate schedule forsewerservice: Wastewater Service -Rate Schedule Multi-Family Residential Master Meter Service Base Facility Charge: Per Dwelling Unit Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): Upto2,000GallonsperUnit Over2,000 Gallons perUnit Unit=Total spaces,regardless of whether occupied. Inside City $6.72 $3.23 $2.32 $5.03 Outside Citv $13.44 $6.46 $3.48 $7.55 (d)Volume users.A sanitary sewer service customer within the corporate limits who (i) qualifies foratax abatement under thecity'stax abatement policyand(ii)uses more than 400,000gallons of waterperdayshallbechargedandshalloweeachmonthasewer service charge based upon (i)the consumption of water attributed toitas determined by articleIII of thischapterrelatingtowatercharges;or(ii)theactualwastewaterflowas determined bya metering system approved bythe city.Such charges shall be applied as follows: Wastewater Service -Rate Schedule High-Volume User Service Base Facility Charge: Per Meter by Meter Size 5/8"x %" %" 1" 1 '/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Customer Charge: Per Bill Issued Gallonage Charge (Per Thousand Gallons): All Use With Citv Water Service Without Citv Water Service $6.72 $7.00 $10.09 $10.49 $16.81 $17.48 $33.62 $34.96 $53.78 $55.93 $107.56 $111.86 $168.07 $174.79 $336.13 $349.57 $537.80 $559.31 $773.10 $804.02 $3.23 $3.37 $3.72 $3.86 Section3:Every person convicted of aviolation of any provision of this ordinance hereinshallbe punished bya fine not exceeding FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S500.00).Each act of violation and each dayuponwhichany such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense.In addition to the penalty prescribed above,thecitymaypursue other remedies suchas abatement of nuisances,injunctive relief,administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section4:Allordinancesorparts of ordinancesinconsistentwiththeterms of this ordinancearcherebyrepealed;provided,however,thatsuchrepealshallbeonlytotheextent of suchinconsistencyandinallotherrespectsthisordinanceshallbecumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing thesubjectmatter covered bythis ordinance. Section5:Ifanyprovision,section,exception,subsection,paragraph,sentence, clauseorphrase of thisordinanceortheapplicationofsametoanypersonortheset of circumstances,shallforanyreasonbeheldunconstitutional,voidorinvalid,suchinvalidityshall notaffectthevalidity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance ortheir application to other persons orsetsof circumstances andtothisendall provisions ofthisordinanceare declared tobe severable. Section 6:This ordinance shalltake effect forall billings occurring onor after October1,2011.TheCityClerkisherebydirectedtogivenotice hereof bycausingthecaption ofthis ordinance tobe published inthe official newspaper oftheCityof Baytown at least twice withinten (10)daysafter passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED,READ,andPASSEDbythe affirmative vol City of Baytown,this the 8,h day of September,2011. fthe City Council of the XJS]STEPHEN H.DONCARLOSJ Mayor re^^R:YSC:i^Cit\6^1erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: <3(jNACI0 RAMIREZ,SILJMty Attorney \\Cobsrvl\legal\Karen\Files\City Council\Ordinances\20l ^September 8\UtiIityRateOrdinancc doc