Ordinance No. 11,713OIU.)lNANCI,-_'N(.). 11,713 I AN ORDINANCE OF TIDE ( , ITY COUNCIL OFTFIL'CFFY OFBAYTOWN, TEXAS, GRANTING A 'AI IANCJ­ 'FO CHAPTER 42 "IIIIALTI-1 AND SANITATION,"' ARTICLE' V 'JJ%7F' OUTDOOR F"XII1131TIONS." Sl",*CTION 42-286 "PERM IT ITC. U I R ED" OFTFIE CODF'Ol ORDINANCES, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, TO WAIVF THE DKFANCF� RFI'QUIREWFINT FOR SUNNY FAMILY FUN AT THE PARK HOSTED BY THE SUNSHINI" ACADEMY TO 131" HELD ON OCTO131"IR 15, 2011, FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 10,:00 PA/1, AT 111('J NTENNIAL PARK; AND PROVIDING FORTIlt' 1 17FECTIVI- IT ORDAINED 13Y 11.11: COtJNCIL OF THL" CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the CitNI COLHICH Of tire; Cit)' apt` 13,,lylown hereby grants a variance to Chapter 42 "Health and Sanitation," Article V "LiVe OUR1001- Fxilibilions,'", Section 42-286 "Permit required" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown,'Fexas. to waive the distance requirement for Sunny Family Fun at the Park hosted by the Sunshine Academy to be held oil October 15, 2011, from 10:0:0 a.m. to 10:00 pri, at Bicentennial Park. Section 2: This ordinaticc shall take effect ininiediately boon and after its passage by (lie City Council of the City ol'Baylown. IF IN'I'ROI)LJCED,]Z.EAI),tti(IIIASSI,'I),byttie,tt'firi,ilati%e OtC Ofthe City COL11161 Of(hC City ol'13,tytown this the 25"' day ol'August, 2011. x1l" APPROVF�D AS TO FORM: RAMIREZ,, SR.,Ost , Attorney S"I'l I-If' ,4t"bONCARLOS, Mayor