Ordinance No. 11,707ORDINANCE' NO. 11,707 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01" BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THH' GOOSE CREEK PI IASI"-,' III 'I"RAII, PROJECT; AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT oi: 'n-iu, sum OF ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND SEVE.N HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR AND 24/100 DOLLARS ($132,724,24) TO THE' TEXAS DI-TARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR SAID PROJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR TI IE El FEC'FIVE DATI"ITHEREOF. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * 4, * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* * * 4, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4, * 1, * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, tile City of" Baytown contracted with the Texas Department ot''Fransportation for the Goose Creek Phase Ill'I't-ail Protect (tile "PrQject"); all(] WHEREAS, all of the Project improverrienis have been performed an d completed in I'll]] accordance with all of the terms and conditions ofthe al'oresaid mitract; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department cal" Transportation has requested final payment Under the terim cif its contract with the City; and WHEREAS, there rernains due and owing to the Texas Department of Transportation the stint of ON[` HUNDRF'D THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND SEVEN llL.)NDRf,.1) TWENTY-FOUR AND 24/100 DOLLARS ($ 1312,724.24); NOW TI,111'1'11' REFORE' BE TI" ORDAINED BYT111"CITY COUNCIL 01"'IT111, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City COLHICH hereby accepts and approves the above-described work and improvements, and finds and deter -nines that all of said improvements have been completed as provided in aforesaid contract. Section 2: 'rimi final payment to (lie, Texas Department of` I'ransportation in the arnount ofONI`, HUNDRED TI-muy-'rwo 'rjiousAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR AND 24/100 DOLLARS ($132,724.24) is hereby allthorized, Section 4: This ordinance sliall take effect ininiediately from and after its passage by (lie City COLHICH of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCF.'D, RF`Al) and PASSED by the affirmative vote 0 Cit.�� COLHICH Of the City Of Baytown this the 11"' day of August, 2011 . I,/, DONCARLOS, Mayor A'IT BRYSCH, Cat) APPROVED AS 'TO FORM: N ACIO RAM IRE Z, SR., C qty tt aa-a aey R I'alen Fllvsk)ly I I Atipust I I hmfflla. Woose( w0d'had1l I mdhkqcct doL