Ordinance No. 11,7010 R DI NA NC1._`N0. 11,701 AN ORDINANCE OFTFIF CIT'Y COUNCIL OF"HIE CITY OFBAYTOWN, 'rEXAS, RE NE,WING THE ANNUAL HOT-MIX ASPHALA'CONTRACT WITH CEN TLJRY ASPI IAI,,TIA"D_ AUTHORIZING PAYME'N"I' ELY Tl IFS CITY OFBAYTOWN IN TI IF" SUM OF ONE HUNDRED EIGII'l"1'1-1(')L.JSANDAND�NO/100 DOL.I.-ARS(SI08,000.00); MAKING OTI IF R PROVISIONS AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVF.' DATE THEREOF. WIIERI�'.'AS,(,'eiilut,),Aspli,ilI Ltd.,wasawarded the Annual l,lot-MixAsl)ilaltCoi,itrictoTIALigasst 12, 2008, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included an option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and WHERE'AS, such contract was rencNN'cd can A11gL1St 13,2009,and July 22,2010, and can be renewed for an additional one-year term; and WHERE AS, Century Asphalt Lid., has indicated its willingness to renew the contract with no CPl increase; and WHEREAS, (lie Administration has reviewed tile market conditions and rccorn mend s renewa I as being; in the best interest ofthe City; NOW 'ITIER I", FO RE BE ITORDAINE'D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF BAYTOWN.TEXAS: Section 1: That the Cilv Council of the City ofBaylown hereby renews tile Annual Hot -Mix Asphalt Contract With CC11tilry Asphalt Lid., for the sum of ONF' I IUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($108,000.00), and authorizes payment thereof. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of,rWENTY-FIVE'rjIouSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($25,000-00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than 1wenty-five percent (25%) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: '['his ordinance shall take effect immediately firoill , nd after its passage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown. INTRODUCI"D, READ and PASSED� by tile affirmative v of" the City Council ofthe City of Baytown this the 28"' day of.ltfly, 2011. c cr nspasag w 11c 'oil _iI oI I of tile City C �,Ja ,),or X—F R _LO �S r n I r tiv, V 1l 0 N CA er T ,Inn S, PH 11. DONCARLOS, Mayor AT � T' J `11 I.T,,IJOI�� B R Y SC 1-1, _kolhy Uerk APPROVED ASTO FORNI: -IN ) *' _K A A C�� C 10 RA M I R F.Z, SR., C ity to icy MRviewAnmmll lot- N1 ixAsphalt Conl raudoc 101',�,trelfd:iles\cily CouncilDrdmalicoA210 ;. V'I_081j