Ordinance No. 11,695ORDINANCE NO.11,695 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS;PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,AND THE ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 7.34 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF INTERSTATE 10 APPROXIMATELY 4,000 FEET WEST OF SJOLANDER ROAD,HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS,WHICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS. WHEREAS,therebeingnorequestforan"on-site"hearing,two publichearingsbeforethe City Council of theCity of Baytown,Texas,whereallinterestedpersonswereprovidedwithanopportunityto beheardontheproposedannexation of thepropertydescribedinSection1 of thisordinance,wereheld, during the City Council meeting on the 23rd day of June,2011,in the City Council Chamber of the City Hall of theCity of Baytown,Texas,whichdateisnotmorethanforty(40)norlessthan twenty (20)days priortotheinstitution of annexationproceedings;and WHEREAS,notices of suchpublichearingswerepublishedinanewspaperhavinggeneral circulation in the City of Baytown,Texas,and in the below described territories on the 5th day of June, 2011,which dateisnotmorethan twenty (20)norlessthanten (10)dayspriortothedate of suchpublic hearings;and WHEREAS,anotice of suchpublichearingswaspostedonthe City of Baytown's website onthe 5th day of June,2011,which date isnot more than twenty (20)nor less than ten (10)days prior to the date of suchpublic hearings andremainedposteduntilthe date of the hearings;and WHEREAS,thetotal corporate area of theCity of Baytown,Texas,onthe 1st day of January, 2011,was37.61squaremiles;and WHEREAS,the population of theCity of Baytown,Texas,isapproximately 71,802 inhabitants; and WHEREAS,the below describedterritoriesliewithintheextraterritorial jurisdiction of theCity of Baytown,Texas;and WHEREAS,the below describedterritorieslieadjacenttoandadjointheCity of Baytown, Texas;NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:Thatthefollowingdescribedlandandterritorieslyingadjacenttoandadjoining theCity of BaytownareherebyaddedandannexedtotheCity of Baytown,Texas,andshall hereinafter beincludedwithintheboundarylimits of theCity of Baytown,Texas,andpresentboundarylimits of suchCity,atthevariouspointscontiguoustothe areas hereinafterdescribed,arealteredandamendedso astoincludesaidareaswithinthecorporatelimits of theCity of Baytown,Texas,to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 2:The above describedterritoriesandtheareasso annexed shallbeapart of the City of Baytown,Texas,andthepropertysoaddedherebyshallbearitspro rata of thetaxesleviedbythe City of Baytown,Texas,andthe inhabitants thereofshallbeentitledtoall of therightsandprivileges of allthe citizens of theCity of Baytown andshallbeboundbytheacts,ordinances,resolutions,and regulations of the City of Baytown,Texas. Section 3:In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated §43.056,as amended,theserviceplanpreparedbytheCityforprovidingmunicipalservicestotheannexedareasis herebyapprovedandisattachedheretoasExhibit "B,"andisincorporatedhereinbythisreferenceforall intents and purposes. Section 4:This ordinance shallbepublishedandpassedinthe manner provided inArticle1, Section9,of the Charter of theCity of Baytown,Texas. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative ypfe of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 28"'day of July,2011. -3- STBPHEN II.DONCARLOS,Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City Atto INTRODUCED.READ and PASSED on the SECOND AN of September.2011. STEPHEN BRYSCHrCity Clfrk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^TCWACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City A/torney R:'karen\Files\City Council Ordinnnccs'201 I•July 28\Annexalionof7 34acrcs doc AL READING thisthe 8'"day NCARLOS,Mayor I 6AHIBH "A"n * TRACT I:| i Being a 3.665 acretractor dared of land situated In the WILLIAM RITCHE SURVEY,Abstract No.683,and the ASHBEL SMITH SURVEY,Abstract No.954,Harris County,Texas,and being out of and a part of that certain tract called 75.937 acres conveyed from Norman D.Hargraves to I-Ten,Ltd.bydeeddated March 7,1970,recorded In Volume 7975 at Page 386 olj the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,said 3.665 acre tract or parcel of land herein described being the spme tractof land conveyed to Jane Bailey Hayton,formerly Jane Bailey Bchelberger and Deanna Echols Bell,forrherfy Deanna Echols by virtue of deeds recorded under Clerks Pile Nos.6-629121,G- 618082and K-358934 oftheRealProperty Records of Harris County,Texas,said 3.665acretractherein described being shown on pjat of even date and Is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: i BEGINNING ata 1/2"Iron rod recovered in the Southerly most right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No.10 serviceroad,said Iron rodbeingthe Northeasterly mostcomerofthesaid75.937acretractandthe Northeasterly most corner ofthe herein described tract; THENCE South 09°22'12"Eastalong the Easterly most line ofthe said 75.937 acretractand along the Easterly most line ofthe herein described tract,a distance of 798.17 feettoa 5/8"iron rod recovered In the Southeasterly most line ofa pipeline rlght-jof-way and easement (100 feet wide)granted to Exxon Pipeline Company by Instruments recorded under/Clerk's File No.C-266942 and E-223144 ofthe Real Property Records Harris County, Texas,said Iron rod being tljie Southeasterly most corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 80"56'West,overand across the said Exxon Pipeline Company right-of-way and easement,over and across the said 75.937 jj'cre tract and along the Southerly most line of the herein described tract,a distance of 200.00 feet toa 5/8"Iron1 rod recovered for the Southwesterly most corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 09°22'12"Westcontinuingoverandacrossthe said 75.937acretractandalong the Westerly most tine ofthehereindescribed tract,adistanceof798.17feettoa5/8"ironrodrecovered In the Southerly most right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No.10 service road,said Iron rod being the Northwesterly most comer of the herein described tract; THENCE North 80°56'Eastialong the Southerly most right-of way line of Interstate Highway No.10 service road, a distance of 200.00 feet toj the POINT OP BEGINNING,containing 3.665 acres of land. TRACT II:! Being a 3.665 acre tract or parcel of lend situated In the WILLIAM RITCHE SURVEY,Abstract No.683,Harris County,Texas,and being out orandapartofthat certain tract called 75.937 acres conveyed from Norman D. Hargraves to I-Ten,Ltd.by!deed dated March 7,1970,recorded In Volume 7975 at Page 386 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Tjexas,said 3.665 acre tract or parcel of land herein described being the same tract of land conveyed toJane Bailey Hayton,formerly Jane Bailey Elchelbarger,Deanna Echols Bell,formerly Deanna Echols,Charlelta F.Conderjand Gorla A.Wlsmer by virtue of deeds recorded under Clerk's File Nos.G-648946,G- 676858,G-676859,C676B6;0,K-35B935 and 1-330579 ofthe Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,said 3.665acre tract hereindescribedbeingshownonplatoreven date and Is moreparticularlydescribedbymetes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING atarecovered1/2"Iron rodsituated In the Southerly most right-of-way line ofInterstate Highway .No.10serviceroad,said Iron rodbeingthe Northeasterly most comer ofthe said 75.937acre tract; THENCE South80°56'Westalongthe Southerly most right-of-way lineof Interstate Highway No.10 service road and along the Northerly most line ofthe said 75.937 acre tract,a distance of200.00feettoa5/8°Iron rod recovered for the Northeasjterly most corner of the herein described tract and POINT OP BEGINNING; THENCE South 09°22'12lEast along the Easterlymost line of the herein described tract and overandacross the said 75.937 acre tract,a distance of 798.17 feet toa 5/8*Iron rod recovered for the Southeasterly most comer of the herein described tract;! i i JUL-25-2011 12:11 PH P.3 THENCE South80°56'Westalongthe Southerly most line oftheherein described tractand continuing overand across the said 75.937acre trad;passing at190.00feetan old barbed wire cross fence,and continuing for a totaldistanceof200.00feettoa1/2"Iron rod recovered fortheSouthwesterly most comer oftheherein described tract; THENCE North 09°2?12"West continuing over and across the said 75.937 acre trad;passing at 170.00 feet an oldbarbed wire crossfence,andcontinuing for atotal distance of798.17feettoa 1/2"ironrod recovered In the Southerly most right-of-way Ijne of Interstate Highway No,10 service road,said iron rod being the Northwesterly most comer of the herein described tract; THENCE Norm 80°56'Eastalong the Southerly most right-of-way line ofInterstate Highway No.10service road, a distance of 200.00 feettothe POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 3.665acresof land. BAYTOWN EXHIBIT "B" June 2,2011 SERVICE PLAN i-roposea annexation:ETJ,south of Interstate 10,westof Sjolander Roadandis7.34 acres. Existing Land Use:Vacant Service Impact resulting from annexation: Fire Department:same levelof services asto other developments insimilar area. Fire Response Time for receipt of call until 1st due company arrival is10 minutes 48 seconds.Toimprove the servicedelivery performance annexation area,initial investment for constructing newbuilding,equipment and personnel:$2,880,000; recurring cost:$1,221,400.Assigned toFire Station 3. EMS:Response Timefor receipt ofcallfor services untilarrivaloffirstalarm assignment arrival:14 minutes 12 seconds.EMS survivabilityfrom cardiac arrest increases by 10%for each minutewith BLS care before 6 minutes.Time exceeding 10 minutes significantly increases fire spread and decreases rescue,firecontrol,and property conservation measures.Returnofcirculationfor cardiac arrest victims without ALS care within 10 minutes diminishes significantly. Police Department:Without personnel increase,additional land area increases response times toexistingCityofBaytowncitizensand businesses. Assigned toPoliceDistrict10. Parks and Recreation,Health,Building,and Public Works Departments:no impact. Engineering Department:About$10,000inadditionalpersonnel costs dueto annexation. Means of Accomplishment:Annexation will be accomplished fromexistingcitylimit line. Public Input:Public hearings are scheduled.