Ordinance No. 11,691ORDINANCE' NO. 11,691 AN 0RDINANCI_,,' OF TI IF" CITY COUNCIL OFTHE' CITY OF BAY'TOWN,TF_1XAS, RENF'WING THE, ANNIJAL CLEANUP AND MOWING CONTRACT WITH MCL M(', R BUILDING MAINTENANCF, INC,, AND NIEDERHOFFIZ E.NTERPRISES, INC., AND AUTHOR VING PAY M I` ' NTBYTI 11" CITY OFBAYTOWN, IN 'T AMC UNT NOT TO I1`XCEED ONE HUNDRED FlP'TYTIlO(JSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($150,0(d0,00); MAKING OTHFR PROVISIONS RF-TATED THERE'TO-, ANf) PROVIDING FORT[ IE, FI`FFCT1VF1' I­)ATF TI ll"RFIOI: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * *1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, N/IcLemore Building 'Maintenance, Inc., and Niederhofier 1"nterprises, Inc., Were awarded tile Annual Cleanupand Polowing Contract oil July 24, 2008, pursuant to tile provisions of'Chapter M, offlieTexas Local Government Code; and \VI 11"REIAS, such contract included an option by tile parties to renew tsar additional one-year periods; and WHEAU",AS, such contract was renewed on June 25, '?009, and June 22,20 1 (),and call be rellmed for all additional one-year ternuand WHEREAS, Mcl-ensure Building Maintenance, hic-and Niederhoter Enterjlrisei, Inc., have indicated their willingness to renew (lie contract for an additional year under (lie same terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, the Administration has reviewed the market conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest ofthe City; NOW ']'I BE ITORDAIN111) BY °I CITY COUNCIL OF—HIE'CITY 01",'13AY'I'(�)\\[N,']'I XAS,: Section 1: That tile (:`itycollticil ofthe City oflhytown hereby renewsthe Annual Clearmpand Mowing Contract with McLemore Building Maintenance, [tic., and Niederholer l"riterprises, ]lie., loir an amount not to exceed ONTO , I RJNDRFID FlFTYTI IOUSAND AND NOfl 00 DOLLARS ($150,000.00) and authorizes payment thereof. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government ( .1I ode Annotated §251048, the City Nlaiulger is hereby granted general authority to ajpprov�e CjjjjlgC carder il,lVol\,rijjg a decrease or an increase in costs AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS (,S2.5,000.00) or less, sulajecl to the provision that tile original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (251/0) or decreased 1)), more than twenty-five percent (25',I/o) without the consent of the contractor tea such decrease. Section 3: 'I"his ordinance shall take effiect immediately trom and after its passage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown. 'Of INTRODUCED, Rl"AD and PASSED by the affirmative vote of I Baytown this the 14't' day ot'July, 2011, JASON APPROVED M: ACIOR?%.%1IRFZSR., Cit. i torney a �1. �WAVM ity Coulled of the City of D0N(1'ARI,0SJMayor