Ordinance No. 11,690ORDINANCE' NO, 11,690 AN ORDINANCF.' (A"I'llt" CITY COUNCIL RENE-WING ANNUAL READY-MIX CONCRETE CONTRACT WITH III,"ST SAND AND Rl,-',],)]-N/IIX COMPANY AND A UTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THF. CITY Of- BAYTOW N, IN I'I IF, A MOUNTOFON EH UN DR FIDTW EINTY-Fl V 1-1 ' THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($125,000.00); MAKING OTHE"R PROVISIONS RPIATL-11) TI IERI-',T0; AND PROVIDING DATE"THERF"OF. WHE'REAS, Best Sand and Redi-Mix Company was awarded the Annual Ready-Mix Concrete Contract on July 24, 2f 08. pursuant to tile provisions of Chapter 252 ofthe Texas Local (3overtun,ent Code; and Wl IE,REAS, such contract included art option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and WTI FRF"A S, SLICII COWNICI Was renewed oil June 25, 2009 and June 10, 201 0, and can lie renewed for an additional one-year term: and WHERI'AS, Best Sand and RQdi-Mix Company has indicated i,ts willingness tta renew tile contract For tmadditional year under the same ternis,,.uld condiiiolls; and WI lF.RE'AS, tile Administration has reviewed tile market conditions and rvcommends renewal as being in the best interest ofthe City; NONAITI lf,"RETORE BE ITORDA INED BY T[ 11"CITY COUNCIL OF TI IF CITY OF BAYTOWN,11'XAS: Section 1: That the CityCouticil ofthe City ol'11,ayiown hereby renews the Annual Ready-Mix Concrete Contract with Best Sand atacl Redi-mix counpally in the amount of'ONFI I FIVETI IOUSAND AND N(,')/100 DOLLARS ($125.000,00) and authorizes payment thercof. Section I That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local, Government Code Annotated §252.0.48, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or all increase in costs of-MENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100I: OLL.ARS ($25,000.00)or less, subject to the provision that tile oril.,,inal contract price ulay neat be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than tNventy-five percent (259, ') without the col-isciii ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immedktel I y froill and after its passage by tile city, Council ofthe City ol"Baylowil. A, INTRODUCE"[), REA D and PASSED bv tile all'irmative vote of* th 'it� Council of tile City of Baytown thi - ly 0 f , J a l l y, 201 1. T 0 O ATT ST JASO I ' m� f1erk APPROVED \1 0 FORM! -4ACl0RAMIRE`Z,SR-CA �,MlorneN R, �arvv q I I cs'04 Cvuno I (hdm arm n, '20 11, Ju 41 Rcmc%w Amn SIT.Vlf� 1. DONCARLOS, Mayor