Ordinance No. 11,688ORDINANCI" NO. 11,688 AN ORDINANCE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ary OF BAY —LOON, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE GRANT ADMINISTRATION SERVICF'S AGRE'EMENT WITH PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, INC., IN TH' AMOtJNT OFTHIRTY-TWO THOUSAND I`OUR HUNDRED, SEVENTY-11VE AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($32,475.00) f-`OR PHASE, II rESTING AND ANAI-PSIS FOR TREATMENT PLANT PROJIEIC`l" AND f"OR ENVIRONMENTAL REVII'WS FOR 16 1,11"1' STATION SITFIS TIIAT WE'Rl- ADDE'D TO THE CITY'S GRANT AWARD UNDER Tll[.-" 2008 SUPPLEMENTAL DISASTER Rt"COVE'RY FUND FOR HURRICANE IKI. TE'XAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ADMINISTI-IRED BY Till- , TEXAS DEPARTMENT" OFRURAL AFI"�AIRS; AND PROVIDING FORT I-IE DATE THEREOF. 13E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of, BAY'FOIVN,,N,, J"F"XAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby aUth0FiZcS additional funding for the Grant Administration Services Agreement with Public Management, Inc., in the U171OU111 of"I'l-I IRTY-TWO TI-IOU SAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVI"WAND NO/100 DOLLARS ($32,475.00) for Phase 11 Testing and Analysis for the East WasteNvatcr Treatment Plant project and for environmental reviews for 16 lift station sites that were added to the City's grant award tinder the 2008 SUPI)IC111ental Disaster Recovery Fund for Hurricane Ike Texas Community Development Block Grant Prograrn administered by the Texas Department of Rural Affairs. Section 2: This ordinance shall take el'tect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council cif the City of Baytomm. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmati te of the City COLInCil of" the City of Baytown this the 14"' day of July, 2011. �r - STE71 I lW,-44-.-DON CARLOS, Mayor e IACID RA- MIREZ,, SR., Cit , t1orne y R �LmenT&00ty IJu y MAuft nusli alit m4l DRA(;rank d