Ordinance No. 11,684ORDINANCE NO. 11,684 AN ORDINANCI.,.' OFT'IIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBA)-roWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CIJANOE ORDER NO. 2 WITH F,.P. BRADY, LTD, FOR THE WEST DISTRICT wdks,rEWA'1'1-- RTREATM ENTPLANTI"IX PANS ION EFFLUENT Y"ORCI", MAIN PROJECT; AUTHORIZING PAYNIENTBYTHE CITY OF BAYTOWN,,ruit'i SUM Of- 'FORTY-l-'OUR'T[,](')US)\ND'I'l-filt'1"1,;1--'N AND 89/100 DOLLARS ($44,013.89); AND PROVIDING FOR,ri-i r:1 FfTl 'CTIV E DATE TI IER L"OF, 13E ITORDAINEID BY `I CITY COUNCIL OF TI II CITY OFBAYTOWN,TI-.XAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No, 2 with 13,11. Brady, Ltd., for the West District WastewaterTreatnient Plant F'xpajision Effluent Force Main Project. A copy of'said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A",and made part hereof' for all intents and pUrposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baylown hereby authorizes that payment to E.P. Brady. I,td, be decreased, in the amount of FORTY-]�OUR THOUSAND THIRTEEN AND 89/100 DOLLARS ($44,013.89) for Change, Order No, 2 for the West District Wastewater "reatmen t Plant 1-.'xpatision Effluent Force Main Project, Section 3: This ordinance shall take eft'ect imnic(liately fi-om and as far its passage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ kind PASS11"D by the affirmative vote the City C ouncil ofthe City of Baytown this the 91e` clay R ay Ofine, 2011. �Tt APPROVE'D AS TO FORM: 4W—ACl-0—RANIIRE/, SR., City ?too fcy S/1-THE'N 11. DONCARLOS, N/layor It JammIT d"'Ci I% goon o I Or dmam o' 2011 JulY 14 C h an�,O )(dvNQF P117 ail) I%VcA)*T6a doc Brief Description of Changes: Exhibit "A"' Change Order No. 2 West District VVVff P Expansion Effluent Force Main June 23, 2011 included in this change order are items concerning the extra 30" open cut force main realignment which crosses 1-10 and the 60" corrugated metal pipe change. In regards to the re-alignment of the 1-10 bore, an existing force main and a newly installed water line presented conflicts under 1-10. There will be an extra 63 LF of 30" Force Main that is open cU With the extra 30?' Force Main, an extra 73 cy of exavvation is needed, The reasoning for the 69'corTugated metal pipe extension is due to the lack of cover provided by an existing washed out condition on the downhill side of the existing pipe. Woik would consist of removing the old 64"" CMP arid existing rip rap, then replacing with a new 6U' CMP that is 40 feet long which will end approximately 10 feet to the West of the newly installed Force Main. The CMP will be bedded in stablized sand and will have the existing, 6p rap replaced on the ends of the new pipe. Also included in this change order is the pipe change from DR18 to DR25. This change will result in a credit/savings for This City of Baytown in the amount of $66,781,00, Additionally, there is a request coniceming Use installation of control points and bench marks that RODS had to find due to the amount of time the points have been in the field and the possibility that they had been damaged or removed. The total price for this change includes all Tibor, ejuipiment, maleHals, supervision and traffic control required to complete the aforementioned work. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, the Owner will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Additionally, no fees and/or time for extended overhead will be given to lhe Contractor by the Owner for work related to this chnnge. Add or Delete Items: Item I Description Unit I Quantity Unit Price Total I Mods (with OH & Profit) (Re-Stake 30") LS 1 1,02&00 S 1,028,0 2 Extra 30" FM OC (Bid Itern, #2) LF 63 140,00 S 6',820,00, 3 Extra Excavation CY 73 15.00 S 1'005 00 4 60" CMP LF 40 S 181.90 S 7,276.00 5 Remove existing CMP' LF 20 S 3100 S 6601,00 6 Remove and repjace RiLi LS 1 $ 420 00 S 420 00 7 .__ Stabilized backfill I.S 1 $ 1,254.00 S 1,254.00 a Remobilize LS I S 600010 $ 6010,00 9 Pipe Change (RFI 1) lRods LF 5137 (13.00) S (66,781 00) 10 (with OH & Profit) (Control Points) LS 1 1�61411 S 1,614,11 Total S (�74aT1T9�9; Contract Sururnary: RMIRMS or lion - Calendar Days E R Brady, Ltd,, Project Manager Date Director of Finance Date Atkins, Project Manager Date Director of Engineering Date City Manager Date • BAYTOWN Brief Description of Changes: CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 2 West District WWTP Expansion Effluent Force Main June 23, 2011 Included in this change order are items concerning the extra 30" open cut force main realignment which crosses 1-10 and the 60" corrugated metal pipe change. In regards to the re -alignment of the I-10 bore, an existing force main and a newly installed water line presented conflicts under 1-10. There will be an extra 63 LF of 30" Force Main that is open cut. With the extra 30" Force Main, an extra 73 cy of excavation is needed. The reasoning for the 60" corrugated metal pipe extension is due to the lack of cover provided by an existing washed out condition on the downhill side of the existing pipe. Work would consist of removing the old 60" CMP and existing rip rap, then replacing with a new 60" CMP that is 40 feet long which will end approximately 10 feet to the West of the newly installed Force Main. The CMP will be bedded in stabilized sand and will have the existing rip rap replaced on the ends of the new pipe. Also included in this change order is the pipe change from DR18 to DR25. This change will result in a credit/savings for This City of Baytown in the amount of $66,781.00 . Additionally, there is a request concerning the installation of control points and bench marks that RODS had to find due to the amount of time the points have been in the field and the possibility that they had been damaged or removed. The total price for this change includes all labor, equipment, materials, supervision and traffic control required to complete the aforementioned work. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, the Owner will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. Additionally, no fees and/or time for extended overhead will be given to the Contractor by the Owner for work related to this change. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Rods (with OH & Profit) (Re -Stake 30") LS 1 1,028.00 $ 1,028.00 2 Extra 30" FM OC (Bid Item #2) LF 63 140.00 $ 8,820.00 3 Extra Excavation CY 73 15.00 $ 1,095.00 4 60" CMP LF 40 $ 181.90 $ 7,276.00 5 Remove existing CMP LF 20 $ 33.00 $ 660.00 6 Remove and replace Rip Rap LS 1 $ 420.00 $ 420.00 7 Stabilized backfill LS 1 $ 1,254.00 $ 1,254.00 8 Remobilize LS 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 9 Pipe Change (RFI 1) LF 5137 (13.00) $ (66,781.00) 10 Rods (with OH & Profit) (Control Points) LS 1 1,614.11 $ 1,614.11 Total Contract Summary: $ (44,013.89) Original Contract Price $ 1,149,525.20 Previous Change Orders $ 18,896.50 This Change Order $ (44,013.89) Revised Contract Price $ 1,124,407.81 Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days 90 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order 0 Revise Contract Duration E.P. Brady, Ltd., eject Manager Director of Finance Atkins, Project Marl6ger - Calendar Days —7/ /7/ Date -2/ // / I Date City Manager ' Date 90