Ordinance No. 11,683ORDINANCE NO.11,683 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CDBG NON-HOUSING WASTEWATER EMERGENCY POWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WITH JONES &CARTER,INC.,FOR THE DESIGN SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE POINT ROYALE LIFT STATION AND THE ADDITIONAL APPURTENANCES BEING ADDED TO THE LIFT STATIONS CURRENTLY UNDER DESIGN;AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($37,500.00);MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ********************************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown,Texas,hereby authorizes and directstheCity Manager to execute andtheCityClerktoattesttotheCDBG Non-Housing Wastewater EmergencyPowerImprovementProjectwithJones&Carter,Inc.,forthedesignservicesassociatedwith thePointRoyaleLiftStationandtheadditionalappurtenancesbeingaddedtotheliftstations currentlyunderdesign.Acopy of theamendmentisattachedhereto,markedExhibit"A,"andmadea part hereof forallintentsand purposes. Section2:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown authorizes payment toJones& Carter.Inc.,inan amount notto exceed THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($37,500.00)for professional services in accordancewiththe amendment authorized in Section 1 hereinabove. INTRODUCED,READ,and PASSED by the affirmative votjf'of the City Council of the City of Baytown,this the 14"'day of July,2011. R:\karen\Filej\Cily CouncilOrdinances^!)11 '.April Z8Uoncs&CarUTAgicemcnl4Ccdarl)ayouRondl.ih"Stalioil doc Exhibit "A" SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AND JONES &CARTER,INC. STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF HARRIS § ThisSecond Amendment ("Second Amendment")totheContractbetweentheCity of Baytown andJones&Carter,Inc.,datedAugust29,2010.ismadebyandbetweenthesamepartiesonthedate hereinafter lastspecifiedtoauthorizetheSpecialServices indicated hereinfortheWastewater Emergency PowerImprovementsProject(the"Project"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theCity of Baytown(the"OWNER")andJones&Carter,Inc..(the'ENGINEER") enteredintoanAgreementforengineering services,datedAugust29.2010.toimplementawastewater emergency power improvements projectunderthegeneraldirectionoftheTexas Department of Rural Affairs'CDBGDisaster Recover)EntitlementGrantProgram("Agreement");and WHEREAS,thereafter,the OWNER and the ENGINEER entered into the First Amendment to the Agreement,dated March 2.2011 ("First Amendment")forthe ENGINEER to perform additional servicesnecessaryfortheconstruction of theCedarBayouRoadLiftStationExpansionProject(the •Project");and WHEREAS,the OWNER andtheENGINEERdesiretoamendthecontractagaininorderforthe ENGINEERtoperformengineeringserviceassociatedwithchangeordersrequestedbythe OWNER, which expand thescope of Project; NOW THEREFORE,forandin consideration of themutual covenants and agreements herein contained,thepartiesheretodoherebymutuallyagreeasfollows: 1.Definitions.Unlessadifferentmeaningclearlyappearsfromthe context,wordsandphrasesas usedinthis Second Amendment shallhavethesame meanings asintheFirst Amendment andthe Agreement. 2.Amendments a.Thescopeoftheservicestobeperformedbythe ENGINEER isherebyamendedtoinclude thespecialservicesdetailedhereinfortheProject. b.PursuanttoExhibitA.Part 2,ParagraphA.20IoftheFirstAmendment,ENGINEERhereby agreestoperformthefollowingadditionalbasicservicesdetailedinthissubsectionforthe costspecifiedin subsection c of thissection. ENGINEER shall: 1.Preparenecessaryconstructionplanrevisionsheetstoreflectthe changes proposedbythe OWNER,which changes include,butarenotlimitedto.the following: (a)Add SCADA toall sites: (b)Obtain extended wanamies on all work under the contract along with associated service maintenance agreements under terms and conditions acceptable totheCity; tc)Usewoodfencinginlieu of chainlink fencing: Second Amendment.I'ajic I 6. (d)Ontheliftstation generator sites,re-pull allnewwireinstead of splicing; (e)Replacegateat 1-10 sitewithsliding gate:and (0 Provide anewlift station tobe located adjacent totheexisting Point Rovalelift station.Thenewliftstationwillincludeallpiping required toconnecttheoldlift stationtothenewlift station andtheremoval of pumpsandcontrols from the existinglift station.Thenewlift station shall includetwo submersible lift pumps. (the"Changes"'); Prepare necessary revisionstothe specifications toreflectthe Changes: Securenecessarygovernmental approvals fortheChanges; ProvidenecessarydocumentationconcerningtheChangesasrequestedbytheCityforall TDRA approvals,which approvals willbe secured bytheOWNER through a separate contractor, Provide copies of revised plans and specifications tothe Contractor andsolicit changes in thebidpriceandcontractschedule;and Workwith OWNER tofinalizedocumentsforapproval of changeorders. For thebasicservicesspecifiedinsubsectionb of thisSecond Amendment,ENGINEERshall beentitledto additional compensation of fifteen percent (15%)of the change order incorporatingtheChangesintothe Project should 1.TDRA approvethechangeorderforallChangesexceptforthoseassociated with the PointRoyaleliftstationor 2.ENGINEERcompletestheservices associated withthePointRoyaleliftstationdetailed in subsection (b)(IX0 above onor before August3,2011,andOWNER approves the resultingchangeorder. Suchadditionalcompensationissubjecttotheconditionsandlimitationsforbasicservices specifiedin Part I,Section4 of theAgreement,includingbutnotlimitedtotheoverall maximum amount of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1.116,728.00).Eighty percent of such additional compensation maybe billed byENGINEERoncethe change order is fully executed.The remaining 20%maybe billed by ENGINEER based upon the following milestonesconsistentwith Part III of theAgreement: Completion of shopandworkingdrawingreviews.5% Completion of constructionstaking.5% Completion of FinalCloseout Assessment andsubmittal of"As Builts"totheCity.5% Completion of final inspectionand acceptance bytheCity.5% IfOWNER terminates the services ofthe ENGINEER associated withthe Point Royalelift station detailed in subsection (b)(1)(f)above for convenience.ENGINEER shallnotbe entitledto additional compensation of fifteen percent (15%)of the resulting change order but instead shall be entitled to compensation for services performed and accepted bytheOWNER on or before the date of termination inan amount not to exceed THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSANDTIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($37,500.00)based upon the following rate schedule: Scxond Amendment.'>a»e - RATE SCHEDULE ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Professional 1 5 78 Professional II S 84 Professional III S 93 Professional IV St03 Professional V SI 18 Professional VI SI30 Staff Professional SI45 Project Professional SI55 Sr.Project Professional S160 Sr.Project Manager SI65 Department Manager SI75 Division Manager SI85 Officer -Regional Manager SI90 Officer -Corporate Manager S200 Officer-President 5225 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Klectrical Engineer I S90 Electrical Engineer II S 100 Electrical Engineer III S 110 Electrical Engineer IV SI20 Electrical Engineer V SI30 Electrical Engineer VI SI35 Electrical Project Representative S 60 CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL (includes mileage) Project Representative I S 50 Project Representative II S 57 Project Representative III $67 Project Representative IV S77 Project Representative Coordinator S 82 ConstructionProfessional I S78 ConstructionProfessionalII S84 ConstructionProfessional III S93 Construction Professional IV S103 ConstructionProfessionalV SI 18 Construction Manager SI55 OFFICE PERSONNEL Office Assistant $25 Clerk S30 Professional's Assistant I S45 Second Amendment.Page 3 Professional'sAssistantII $60 Secretary I S 37 Secretary II $45 Secretary III S 55 ContractCoordinator S60 Bookkeeper S65 StaffAssistant $70 ChiefAccountant S 90 S1RVEVING PERSONNEL 4-ManFieldCrew SI50 3-ManField Crew S140 2-ManField Crew SI20 4-ManFieldCrew w.Robotic SurveySystem SI80 3-ManFieldCreww/RoboticSurvey System SI70 2-ManField Crew w/RoboticSurveySystemSI50 I-Man FieldCreww/RoboticSurvey System SI25 4-ManField Crew w/GPSSystem S2I0 3-ManFieldCreww/GPSSystemS200 2-ManFieldCreww/GPSSystemSI70 I•ManFieldCreww/GPSSystemSI50 Survey Technician I S 52 Survey Technician II S 62 Project Surveyor I S67 Project Surveyor II..S 80 Project Surveyor III S92 Chiefof Survey Crews S92 Registered Prof.Land Surveyor SI35 Survey Manager SI45 DESIGNERS/DRAFTING PERSONNEL CAD Operator I S 43 CAD Operator II S49 CAD Operator III....••$58 CAD Operator IV S68 CAD Operator V S78 CAD Manager S92 Designer I S 82 Designer II S 92 ChiefDesigner S 95 Design Coordinator SI05 Design Coordinator II S105 GIS Operator I S 55 GIS Operator II S 75 GIS Operator III S 90 GIS Operator IV S 100 Computer lech $50 Computer Manager SI00 3.EntireAgreement.TheprovisionsofthisSecondAmendment,theFirstAmendmentandthe Agreementshouldbereadtogetherandconstruedasone agreement provided that,intheeventof anyconflictorinconsistencybetweentheprovisionsofthisSecondAmendmentandthe provisions of theFirst Amendment and/or orthe Agreement,the provisions ofthisSecond Amendment shall control. 4.Interpretation.This Second Amendment has been jointly negotiated bythe parties hereunder and shall notbe construed against aparty hereunder because that party mayhave assumed primary responsibility forthedrafting of thisAmendment 5.Captions.Captionscontainedinthe Agreement,theFirstAmendment,andtheSecond Amendment arefor reference onlyand.therefore,havenoeffectin construing the documents. Thecaptionsarenotrestrictive of thesubjectmatterofanysection. 6.No Waiver.Bythis Second Amendment,theCitydoesnot consent to litigation or suit,andthe City hereby expressly revokes any consent to litigation thatit may have granted bythe terms of this Second Amendment,the First Amendment,the Agreement oranyother contract or agreementoraddenda,anycharter,orapplicablestatelaw.NothingcontainedinthisSecond Amendment orintheFirst Amendment ofthe Agreement shallbe construed in any waytolimit ortowaivethe City's sovereignimmunity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Amendment in multiple copies, eachofwhichshallbedeemedtobean original,butallofwhichshallconstitutebutoneandthesame amendment,this day of ,2011,thedateof execution by the City Manager. CITY OF BAYTOWN ATTEST: LETICIABRYSCH.CityClerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IGNACIO RAMIREZ.SR..City Attorney second Amendment.Paev 4 By: ROBERTD.LEIPER.CityManager JONES &CARTER.INC.^ By: (Signature) (Printed Name) V VCfl—rr»6ikat\\ (Title) ATTEST: '0 j n .n (Signature) (Printed Nime (Title)(r~ B *karemHilesvEngineeniig\Rtigine<inng AgreemenlsVJnnes &CartertCDBG Non.ltousing\SttondAmendmemRevisedClcanRcvised.doc Second Amendment.Page5