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Ordinance No. 11,675ORDINANCE' NO. 11,675 AN ORDINANCF Ol"I'l1l"' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHI Y MANAGER -1-0 NEGOTIATE AND 1 I`,'XFCU`l'E' AT LFAST ,I„ O (2) NO-UPFRONT COST, PRE-DISASTI"R STANDBY CONTRACTS FOR EMERGENCY RI STORATION SERVICES 17OR CITY BUILDINGS; AND PROVIDING DATE THEREOI°. BE ITORDAINFI) BY TH' CITY COUNCIL Of" °1 CITY OF BAYTOWNJEXAS: Section 1: That the Council of` the City of' Baytown. Texas, hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute at least two (2) 110-Upfront cost, Pre-Disaster standby contracts tor Imergency Restoration Services for City buildillgS Linder terms and conditions deerned acceptable to the City Attorney and the City Managger. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of'Bayto"111. INTRO DUC ED, R F"A 1) and PASS U�11) by the affirmative vote of e City Council of the City J. DONCARLOS� o -ayr APPROVI-`11) AS TO l,ORM: "la doc