Ordinance No. 11,671ORDINANCE NO. 11,671 AN ORDINANCE OF °l CITY COUNCIL. OF .l IE' CITY OF BAYTOWN,'FEXAS, RENEWING HE CON TRAC 'YOF WASTE MANAGE MI"1'NTOF"I1XAS [,'OR THE ANNUAL, RECYCLING CEN'1'1,,,,R CON TRAC TAND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY "I'EE' CITY 01�` BAYTOWN, THE SUM OF SEV 17NTY-THREE THOU SAND Twc) HUNDRED SC'-VENTEI1'N AND 40/100 DOLI-AIDS ($71,217.40); MAKING OTIIL-',R PROVISIONS REIATF D'FHER L-1-T43; AND PROVIDING FORTHE I,,J�'F'ECTIV[-` DATE THERF'OF, WHEREAS, Waste Nlanagement of Texas was awarded the AnIlLial Recycling Center Contract oil June 23,2005, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included an option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and WI 11"IRL'AS, such contract was renewed June 8, 2006, June 12,2007, June 12.200 , May 14, 2009, and May 13, 2010, an(] can be renewed again for an additional one-Year term; and WHERF'AS, Waste Management ofTexas has indicated its willingness to renew (lie contract for an additional year under the same terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, the Administration has reviewed the inarket conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest of the City; NOW TI IFRFI-OW" 13E ITORDAINE'D BYJTIE CITY COUNCIL OF °l CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby renews the Contract of Waste Management of Texas for the Annual Itecycling Center Contract liar the suin of SEVENTY-THRI"'1"', THOUSAND TWO HUNDRFID SEVENTEEN AND 40/100 DOIJ..ARS ($73,217,40), and authorizes payment thereof, Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve in), change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs ol'I'WEN'I'Y-FIVI,''f'i,]OUSAND AND NO/100 DOL1.ARS ($25,000.00)or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than t\venty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and as Council of the City of Baytown. KYRODUCED, READ and PASSE C3 by tile affirmative vote of ;3 d day of June, 2011. r 61, � 0"*o "Is r�H C lerk APPROVED ASTO FORM: 4NACI0 RAMIREZ, SR., Ci ttorney fles"Cily CounciMrdinances',20 une RAkarenl' its passage by the City ity COL11161 01' the City Of DONCARI.OS, N/layor