Ordinance No. 11,661ORDINANCE NO.11,661 AN ORDINANCE OFTHECITY COUNCIL OFTHECITYOF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE LANIER DRIVE WAFER WELL PROJECT;AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY- FIVE AND 80/100 DOLLARS ($13,725.80)TO ALSAY,INC.,FOR SAID PROJECT;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *********************************************************** WFIEREAS,theCityofBaytowncontractedwith Alsay,Inc.,for the LanierDriveWater Well Project (the "Project");and WHEREAS,all of the said improvements,asprovidedintheplansand specifications heretofore preparedbythe City's engineer andasapprovedandadoptedbytheCityCouncilhavebeenperformedand completed infull accordance withall of thetermsandconditions of the aforesaid contract;and WHEREAS,the City's engineerinthemannerprovidedbytheterms of thesaidcontractandtheplans and specifications thereof,has approved and accepted theLanierDriveWaterWellProject,has heretofore issuedhis Certificate of Final Acceptance,hascertifiedsametotheCity Council,andhas recommended thatit accept andreceivesaidworkand improvements as constructed and completed by Contractor;and WHEREAS,there remains dueandowingtoAlsay,Inc.,thesumOF THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE AND 80/100 DOLLARS ($13,725.80);NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section1:ThattheCityCouncilherebyacceptsand approves the above-described workand improvements,andfindsanddeterminesthatall of saidimprovementshavebeencompletedasprovidedinthe plans and specifications thereof,and in full accordance with all ofthe terms and provisions ofthe aforesaid contract. Section2:That theCertificate of FinalAcceptanceheretoforeissuedbythe City's engineerand certified totheCityCouncilisherebyacceptedandreceived. Section3:That final payment to Alsay,Inc..inthe amount of THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE AND80/100DOLLARS ($13,725.80)is hereby authorized. Section4:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromand after its passage bytheCity Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READandPASSEDbytheaffirmativevote of theCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown this the 9"'day of June,2011. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^g^g^^- ACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,Crty/Attorney K.\karen\l:ilcsCiiy Council\Ordinances\20l 1June 9\FinalPaj")LanierDriveWaierWellPrpjecl doc