Ordinance No. 11,660ORDINANCE NO.11,660 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,REVIEWING THE RATE INCREASE REQUEST OF CENTERPOINT ENERGY ENTEX;DENYING THE REQUESTED INCREASE IN RATES; ORDERING THAT NO CHANGE IN RATES OCCUR;REQUIRING THE REIMBURSEMENT OF RATE CASE EXPENSES;ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE;MAKING SUCH OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED HERETO;CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ************************************************ WHEREAS,onoraboutApril 28,2011,CenterPoint EnergyEntex ("CenterPoint")filed arequesttoincreaseratesbyanannualamount of approximately EIGHTY-TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($82,000.00)withinthe Texas Coast Division under the "Cost of Service Adjustment-3"("COSA-3")tariff approvedbytheRailroad Commission of Texas;and WHEREAS,CenterPoint's filingpurportstobein compliance witha "Cost of Service Adjustment-3"("COSA-3")tariff approvedbytheRailroad Commission of Texas;and WHEREAS,the COSA-3 tariff approved bythe Railroad Commission of Texas provides that"[t]heprovisions of thisCost of ServiceAdjustmentaretobeimplementedinharmonywith theGasUtility Regulatory Act(TexasUtilitiesCode,Chapters 101-105)"andthatthe "Company's annualrate adjustment willbemadeinaccordancewithall applicable laws";and WHEREAS,absenttheavailability of theCOSA-3 tariff approved bytheRailroad Commission of Texas,itishighlyunlikelythatCenterPointwouldhaveinitiatedaratecaseto recoverachangeinitscost of service of EIGHTY-TWOTHOUSANDANDNO/100 DOLLARS ($82,000.00),whichrepresentsapproximately0.15 percent (0.15%)of itsoverall cost of service;and WHEREAS,absent the availability of the COSA-3 tariff approved bythe Railroad Commission of Texas,theCitywouldnotbe expending resources to address an application to increase ratesbythe de minimis amount of EIGHTY-TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($82,000.00);and WHEREAS,the Railroad Commission of Texas inGas Utility Docket No.9910 concluded thata municipality maynotsuspendtheeffectivedatethat CenterPoint proposesinits requestto change rates under a COSA application,a conclusion with which theCity disagrees andwhichissueis pending beforetheTravisCountyDistrictCourt;and WHEREAS,CenterPoint proposed an effective date of August 1,2010,whichin conjunction withthe Railroad Commission of Texas'conclusion thattheCitymaynot suspend CenterPoint's proposed effective date,precludestheCityfrom conducting a meaningful review of CenterPoint's request to raise rates,thereby denying the City's counsel and consultants the abilitytoprovideafullreviewand recommendation tothe Texas CoastUtilitiesCoalition of Cities ("TCUC Cities");and WHEREAS,CenterPoint failedtocarryitsburden of proof andmeetthe requirements of theGas Utility Regulatory Actas necessary to warrant a change inrates,byfailingtomeetthe requirements of theGasUtilityRegulatoryActinseveralareas of itsraterequest,including,but not limited tothe following areas: a.CenterPoint's expenses relatedtoits Affiliate Transactions; b.CenterPoint's proposedcost of capital,includingitsReturnonEquity,itsCost of Debt,itsCapitalStructure,anditsoverallRate of Return; c.CenterPoint's proposed RateDesign; d.CenterPoint's proposed treatment of Accumulated Deferred Income Tax; e.CenterPoint's proposed calculation of its Cash Working Capital;and f.CenterPoint's proposed calculation of its Pension Expense;and WHEREAS,the 345lh Judicial District Court of Travis County,Texas in Cause No.D-l- GN-09-000982,TexasCoastUtilitiesCoalitionvs.The RailroadCommission of Texas,Judge StephenYelenoskypresiding,issuedaJudgment concluding thattheRailroad Commission of Texasdidnothavethe authority toimposetheCOSA-3 tariff ontheCityanddidnothavethe authoritytoapproveaCOSA-3 tariff inthoseareaswheretheRailroad Commission of Texas hadoriginal jurisdiction;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:Thatthefactscontainedinthepreamble of this ordinance are determined tobetrueand correct andare hereby adopted aspart of this ordinance. Section2:Thatthebaserateincreaseproposedby CenterPoint isdenied. Section 3:That tothe extent CenterPoint implements any change in rates in contradiction of this ordinance,CenterPoint shallrefundtotheCityanybaserate increase infull, plusinterest calculated attheratebeingearnedon customer deposits,andshallalsoremitany andall amounts pursuant to penalties thatmayapply. Section 4:That the effective dateforthis ordinance isthedate of its adoption. Section 5:If there isan appeal of this ordinance,the City reserves all rights to advocate adjustments tothe revenue requirement,cost allocation and rate design proposed by CenterPoint andtofully participate in such appeal,including the reimbursement of its reasonable rate case expenses. Section 6:TheCityisa participant ina coalition of cities known asthe Texas Coast Utilities Coalition of Cities and authorizes intervention in proceedings related to CenterPoint's rate application beforetheRailroad Commission of Texasandrelated proceedings incourts of law,and subject tothe right to terminate employment atany time,the City authorizes the law firm of Herrera &Boyle,PLLC toactas special counsel with regard torate proceedings involving CenterPoint before the City,the Railroad Commission of Texas,or any court of law. Section7:All conditions precedenttothe adoption of each of the foregoing sections herein have been complied with under law. Section 8:CenterPoint shall reimburse the reasonable rate case expenses of the TCUC Cities upon presentment of invoices receivedbytheCity. Section 9:That if any section orpart of any section,paragraph,or clause of this Ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional forany reason,such declaration shall notbe heldto invalidate orimpairthe validity,force,oreffect of any other section or sections,part of section,paragraph,or clause of thisOrdinance. Section10:ThattheCityClerkisherebydirectedtosendatrueandcorrectcopy of this ordinance toScottE.Doyle,RegionalVice President Gas Operations,CenterPoint Energy, 1111 Louisiana Street,Houston,Texas 77002 andto Alfred R.Herrera,Herrera &Boyle,PLLC, Suite 1250,816 Congress,Austin,Texas 78701. Section 11:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromand after its passage by theCity Council of theCity of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ,andPASSEDbvthe affirmative vote of theCityCouncil of the .thCityofBaytownthisthe9dayofJune.2011. LETICIA B'R^SgjK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^TtfNACIO RAMIREZ.SR..jCiWy Attorney R:\karen\Files\Cily Council\Ordinances\20l I-June 9.TCUC COSA•2011 Rale Ordinance.doc