Ordinance No. 11,651ORDINANCI , � NO. 11,651 AN ORDINANCF OF'I'HECITY COUNCIL OFTIlf"CITY OF BAYTOWN, '1'1:."XAS, PAYM1-_N"lO1' N INETY-EIG FIT THOUSAND THIRTY-ONL' AND NO/100 l')OI_,I,,ARS ($98,031.00) 'm VERSATERM, INC., FOR ANNUAL S1,A)PORT AND SOFTWARE MAI'N'1'1 -,NANCE; MAKING ari,il"R PROVISIONS RELATI--1) '1 ERFTO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE F­,' DATi-,, ­i'i Fi,"Ri ;oI�. BE ITORDAINI-;I) ICY "1 °I CITY COUNCIL 01"I"11Eary OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section I That the City Council ofthe City ofBaytow'n, hereby authorizes the payment of NINETY-EIGHT THOUSAND '141IRTY-ONI"", AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S98,031.00) to Vvi-satcrin, hic., for annual support and sofmare maintenance. Section 2: That pUrSUant to the provisions of"I'exas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general atithority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs oaf` I'Wl"NTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOI-LARS ($25,000.00) or less, sulaject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent oaf` the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall takeel'Fect immediately from and alter its passage by the City' Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCU), Rl"ADand PASSED by theaft-irniative OfthC City Council of the City of Baytown this the'2­01' day of May, 2011 " I I APPR(7VI'll) ASTO FORM: r4N, C�1(0�� RA M I R Z, S, R C, ty Itorney R kmen Hes Coy Cuuovcd (4daiances,2M I NhN N, Awlwiied'm mcol ;Vosmonj du� ST,�111 I E'N 1-1. DONCARI._,OS, Ma�,or