Ordinance No. 11,649ORDINANCl- NO. 11,649 AN ORDINANCE' 01: THE" CITY COL)NCII, OF THE' CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, RENEWING T] IE' ANNI, JAI., RU-ITAIR CLAMPSCONTRACTWITH ACTI'lPF'& StJllll[,Y AND ALYITIORIZING PAYNII NTBYTHF CITY OF BAYTOWN, T] IF SUM 01--'SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND Sl�IXFNTY-Slx AND 411100 DOLLARS ($62,076,41)-, MAKING OTHER 13ROVISIONS RF LATED TI IER L"TO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE 1IFFEC"TIVE DATE THEREOF WHE.RF.AS. ACT Pipe & Supply was, awarded the Annual Repair (' amps Contract oil June I f, 2009 pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included an option by tile parties tea renew, fior additional one-year periods: and WHIR EAS, such contract was renewed oil April 8,2010,and can be renewed again: and WHEREAS, ACT Pipe & Supply has indicated its willingness to renew the contract for an additional year under the same terms and conditions with a CPI-U increase of 2.7,% %; and \\11-IF'REAS, tile Administration has reviewed the market conditions and recommends renewal as being in time best interest ofthe City; NOW "1 IFREFORF.' 13E IT ORDAINED BY TI U." CITY COUNCIL OFTHE'CITY 0FBAYT0WNTL`1XAS: Section 1: That (lie City Council of' tile City of Baylown hereby renews tile Annual Repair Clamps C,ont•act will'i ACT Pipe & Supply for time sum of SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND S1`VF`1NTY-SlX AND 41 /] 00 DOLLARS ($62,076,,41),,tiicliLitliorizes payment thercol'. Section 2: That pursuant to time provisions ofTexas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority toa pp rove any change order involving,; as decrease or all increase in costs 101, PSA ND AND NO/I 00 DOIA-ARS (S25,000.00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by inore than twenty -five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five pereent (25%) \vilh0Ut (lie consent ol'the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall lake cl'IM immediately from arld all the City ofBaytown, INTRODUCLM, RFAD,and PASSU-M by the affirn'lative vote ofthe ; tv Council ofthe City 01,13aylown, this the 26'1,g day ofM"ay, 2011 . �1, / APPROVED AS TO F'ORM: A e-I ;N��;X�Clio�RAMJREZ, SR�, City Alt r y ill 17 R� �i R a''pt IIVC'outict FOdm an I IAN%iw 26\R ncN� A S'IYPI 11`1' p"."'"F")ONCI ARLOS,I`vlayor