Ordinance No. 11,643ORDINANCE NO, 11,643 AN ORDINANCE 01: THU" CITY COUNCIL OF THF" CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AI.YTHORIZING AND DiRr-'Icf-ING THF CITY MANAGE -,R AND CITY CLERK T'0 EXI`:CUFE AND AVFU1'STT0 A CONTRACTWITI-I C. 1. NICDONALD I"LU"I'RIC, INC., FOR THE" CDBG NON-HOUSING WASTF ' WATER I'.-MI.`-'RGENCY PO WEIR PROJECT: WAS"I'EWA'I'ER'I'IZI.-,A'I'NIJEN'I' PLANT(JENEIRATORS; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF A SUM OF ONE MILLION SIX IIUNDIC['I)'I"WEN'ry-six'1'110 JSAND NINE' HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,626,969.00); MAKING 01111'R PROVISIONS R ELATEDTH ERETO; AND PROV I D INGs FORTH E, EJ F1-.CTI VE DATE TI IEREOI',, Will'-'RFAS, the City of Baytown did advertise for bids for (lie CDBG Non-Housing Waste,,vater 1-mergency P w o er Project: WasteNvater'Freatment Plant Generators to be received on April 12,201 1; and Will"RI-I'AS, notice to bidders its to tile time and place, when and where the bids would be fAlbliCly opened and read aloud was published purstlant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotate(] §252.041; and WHEREAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City llilllat,1:00 o'clock p.m., °I April 12, 2011, as per published notice to bidders; NOWTHI-"RETORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TI ]E' CITY COUNCIL OFTIJE CITY ()I`I3AYTONA1N,TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council of tile City of' Baytown hereby accepts tile, bid of C. F. McDonald Electric, file., for the CDBG NOTI-I-IOUSing Wastewater Emergency Power Project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Generators according to the plans and specifications, set forth by the City's engineer and authorizes payment of an amount of ONE MILLION SIX 11UNDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRI`,I) SIXTY-NINE AND NO/1010 DOLLARS ($1,626,969.00): base(] upon tile prices specified in the bid, and the City Manager and the City Clerk ofthe City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to as contract with C. F. McDonald Electric, Inc., for the above-described project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and I-C(]Uirements of the City's engineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance Nvith the provisions of—rexas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, tile City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving it decrease or gin increase in costs oJ'TWENTY-FIVI'-' THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that tine original contract price nizly not be increased by more than twenty-fivc percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent ofthe contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from a its passage by tile City Council ofthe City of'Baytown. �A I NTR 0 D U C I ' -1), RE-AD and PASSED by tile affirmative vole Baytown this lhc,2 '' ��.qfMay, 2011, 911%vt A 901111140TV APPROVE'D AS TO FORM: e4NACIO RAM HREZ, SIR., C" K kmv%Vilm Oq do': tile City Council of tile City of NCARLOS,