Ordinance No. 11,641ORDINANCE'NO. 11,641 AN (ITYCOUNCII, OF—ITIF" AUTHORIZING AND MANAGE' R AND C',ITY CLFRKTO F'XI-'CUTF'AND, ATITSTTO A CONTRACT WITH RUSSL-'I.L MARINE ', LLC, FOR 'Fill" BAYLAND MARINA PROJECT'; AUTHORIZING PAYME"N'I" OF A SUM OF* UOUR MILLION Tl,IRF'1' 11UNDRU"D SIX'FY-SUVF , N THOUSAND NINLI` HUNDRED SF�*VFWFY-FIVE' AND NO/100 DOLL,ARS ($41,367,975.00),, MAKING OTHEIR PROVISIONS RELATED '11,11""RETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE L�.'FFTCTIV F", WHEREAS, the City o,f Baytown (lid advertise for bids for the Bayland Marina Project to be received oil April 12, 2011; and %VIRRFE AS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be publicly opened and read aloud was published pursuant to provisions ofTexas Local Government Code Annotated § 252,041; and WFIF"REAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 4:00 o'clock p.m.. Tuesday, April 12,201 1,as per published notice to bidders; NOW THERI"FORF" BE ]'['ORDAINED BY TI IF, CITYCOUNCIL OFTHF" CITY Of BAY"FOWNJEXAS: Section I; That tile City Council ofthe City of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Russell Marine, LLC, for the Bayland Nlarinzt Project according to the plans and specifications set Ra-th by the City's engincerand authorizes paymcm of an amount of FOUR MILLION THREIF" HUNDRI,"D SIXTY- SEVEN THOUSAND NINE' 11UNDRUID SEVENTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($4,367,975m)-, based upon the prices specified in the bid, and the City Manager and tile City Clerk cif" the City are hereby authorized ail(] directed to execute and "Attest to a contract with Russell Marine, LLC, for tile above- described project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements of the City's engineer and appropriate bond recloirements in accordance with tile provisions of' Tcxas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Governincrit Code Annotated § 252.04,18, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a. decrease or till Incrcase in costs of TWEN'TY-FIVIE TTIOUSAND AND N01100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price imay not be increased by mmv than twenty-five percent (25'Xo) or decreased by more than, twenty-tive percent (25%) without tile Consent of' the contractor to Such decrease. Section 3a This ordinance shall take effect ininiedimely firom tall After its passage by the City Co At lic i I o 1, tl le it\ of, Baytown. INTRODUCI 1: ' 1), READ and PASSED by tile affirniative wic of Baytown this the 2601 day ofN1ay, 2011. City Council of' tile City of' NC ARI,,OS,1NIayor