Ordinance No. 11,640ORDINANCE NO.11,640 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN CONCERNING THAT PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF FM 565,BEING PARALLEL TO AND EAST OF STATE HIGHWAY 146 EXTENDING JUST BEYOND HAYES ROAD,MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS APPROXIMATELY 159.4 ACRES OF THE CHRISTIAN SMITH SURVEY ABSTRACTS NO.69 AND NO.22,HARRIS AND CHAMBERS COUNTIES,TEXAS,TO REZONE 2.7 ACRES FROM NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION (NC)DISTRICT TO MIXED USE (MU) DISTRICT,13.0 ACRES FROM MDCED USE (MU)DISTRICT TO LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI)DISTRICT,31.3 ACRES FROM NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION (NC)TO HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI)DISTRICT AND 112.4 ACRES FROM MIXED USE (MU)DISTRICT TO HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (HI)DISTRICT;PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00);PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE;CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ********************ilc********************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown,Texas,herebyamendsthe official zoning map of theCity of Baytowntoeffectuateazoning district changeforproperty generally located south of FM565,beingparalleltoandeast of State Highway 146 extending just beyond HayesRoad,more particularly described as approximately 159.4 acres of the Christian Smith Survey Abstracts No.69andNo.22,Harrisand Chambers Counties,Texas,to rezone2.7acresfrom Neighborhood Conservation (NC)District to Mixed Use (MU)District, 13.0 acresfrom Mixed Use (MU)District toLight Industrial (LI)District,31.3 acres from Neighborhood Conservation (NC)toHeavyIndustrial (HI)Districtand 112.4 acresfromMixed Use(MU)DistricttoHeavyIndustrial(HI)District.Theamendedportion of theofficialzoning mapisattachedheretoasExhibit "A"andincorporatedhereinforallintentsandpurposes. Section2:Anypersonwhofailstocomplywithanyprovision of thisordinanceshall beguilty of amisdemeanorand,uponconviction,shallbepunishedbya fine notexceeding TWOTHOUSANDAND NO/100 DOLLARS($2,000.00).Eachact of violationandeachday uponwhichanysuchviolationshalloccurshallconstituteaseparateoffense.Inadditiontothe penaltyprescribedabove,thecitymaypursueotherremediessuchas abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief,administrative adjudication andrevocation of licensesorpermits. Section 3:All ordinances orparts of ordinances inconsistent withtheterms of this ordinanceareherebyrepealed;provided,however,thatsuchrepealshallbeonlytotheextent of such inconsistency andinallotherrespectsthisordinanceshallbe cumulative of other ordinancesregulatingandgoverningthesubjectmattercoveredbythisordinance. Section4:Ifanyprovision,section,exception,subsection,paragraph,sentence, clauseorphrase of thisordinanceortheapplicationofsametoanypersonortheset of circumstances,shallforanyreasonbeheldunconstitutional,voidor invalid,suchinvalidityshall notaffectthevalidity of theremainingprovisionsofthisordinanceortheirapplicationtoother personsorsets of circumstances andtothisend all provisions of this ordinance are declared tobe severable. Section5:Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectfromand after ten(10)daysfromits passagebytheCityCouncil.TheCityClerkisherebydirectedtogivenotice hereof bycausing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper ofthe City of Baytown at leasttwicewithinten (10)days alter passage of thisordinance. INTRODUCED,READ,and PASSED by the affinitive vote of the City Council of the City ofBaylown,this the 26lh of May,2011. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ^TONACIO RAMIREZ,SR..dt$)Attorney A- STEPHEN II.DONCARLOS.Mavor R:\kaR-n\Files\CityCouncil\Ordinanccs\20ll\Ma\26'/iincMap/\iiicinlmcntll:irrisA:l"lianilictsC'oiinly-IMl.,l.IIII doc L e g e n d Re z o n i n g Bo u n d a r y Cr t y L i m r t * Z o n i n g m X &