Ordinance No. 11,631ORDINANCE NO. 11,631 AN ORDINANCt" 01" TI IF CITY COLINCIL OF TI-111" CITY ( A" BAYTOWN, T1,-IXAS, DE-TE'RMINING THAT Tl-lt'�,' LAND URI ASSUMPTIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVE'MI-,'.NTS PLAN SHOULD 131' AM I-IN DE," 1); SETTIN(i A TIMI';, DATE�. AND PLACE. FOR A PUBLIC IlEARIN("; TO DISCVSS AND Rl',"IVIEW T111"' PROPOSED LJPDAT[�',D I-AND USE'ASSUMPTIONS, CAPITAL IMPR0V1°mFNTS PLAN, MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE, I>ER Sl RVICE UNIT AND 'fl-IE CC RRI,-'1SP(.)NI)IN('J ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR ..1'111. l"ATF."C'TIVE DATEITIJEREOF WI 11"REAS, on January 18, 2011, tile City of'Baytown caused all update of the land use assuniptions and capital improvements plan to be prepared by post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., as qualified professional, using generally accepted enginceringtind planning practices; and WHEREAS, on March 31, 201 l, the Cit.), received the update of the land use assumptions acrd capital improvements plan; and I WI I FRF'AS, with in sixty (60) days of'receipt of the update. (tie City ( ..ouncil is required to set as public hearing to discuss and review tile update and shall determine whether loaniend the plan,,, NOWTI-IERET'ORE BE IT ORDAINED BY "1 HE COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF BAY TOWN, TEXAS-1 Section 1: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hercinal)(we are found to be true and are approved by the C'ity Council of the City Section 2: At 6:40 p.m. oil the 9'�'clay of.lune, 2011, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of tile City of Baytown, located at 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas, the City Council will holda public hearing to consider the amendment of, tile land use assumptions and capital improvements planand the imposition of an impact fee and to give any member cat' the public tile right to appear and present evidence for or against the update. Section 3: ']"Ile City Clerk ofthe City of Baytown is hereby authorised and directed to cause notice of'such public hearing to be sent by, certified assail and published in as newspaper of general circulation in I larris and Chambers Counties bef'ore tile thirtieth (30'r') day befiore the date set for tile hearing, which notice shall conform to the standards sl-w6fied in Sections 395.055 of the Texas Local (Jovernmew Code, Section 4 his ordinance shall take effect immediately frqp and after its passage by the City Council of the City ofBaylown, INTRODUCE-1). READ and PASSFF) bv the affimmative )1e ()I' the Citv Council of the City of' Baylown this the 28"'day ot"Afwfl, 2011 . /,, ? k ES'11- CIA, BRYSCI 1, GWClcrk . . .... ... S ]A--TIIEIN 1-1, DONCARLOS, Mayor APPROVED ASTO FORNI: < em't ACIO RAMIRFZ, Sit", "it y y Attorney RA1arenA:flcs'Citv I\Apid doc