Ordinance No. 11,628ORDINANCE NO.11.628 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,GRANTING A VARIANCE TO CHAPTER 42 "HEALTH AND SANITATION,"ARTICLE V "LIVE OUTDOOR EXHIBITIONS,"SECTION 42-286 "PERMIT REQUIRED"OFTHE CODE OF ORDINANCES,CITYOF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,TO WAIVE THE DISTANCE REQUIREMENT FOR AN EVENT HOSTED BY FRIENDS OF CEDAR BAYOU TO BE HELD MAY 7, 2011,AT THE ROSELAND PARK PAVILION,FROM 10:00 A.M.TO 5:00 P.M.;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *******************+****+**********************************************+****** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Bavtown herebygrantsa variance to Chapter 42 "Health and Sanitation,"Article V "Live Outdoor Exhibitions,"Section 42-286 "Permit required"of the Code of Ordinances,Bavtown,Texas,to waive the distance requirement foran event hosted by Friends of Cedar Bayou tobeheldMay7,2011,atthe Roseland Park Pavilion,from10:00a.m.to5:00p.m. Section 2:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromandafterits passage by theCityCouncil of theCity of Bavtown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED,by the affirmative v^e of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 29,h day of April,2011. SI:^_^ STE/ilEN IITTjONCARLOS,Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,CitV Attorney R:\karcn\Files\CityCouncil\Ordinances\201 l\April 28Wariance4FriendsoiCedarBayou.doc