Ordinance No. 11,617ORDINANCE NO. 11,617 AN ORDINANCE" OFTI'll", CITY COUNCIL OFT111", CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUFHORIZING AND DIREX"TINGTHE CITY MANAGE�R AND CITY ClAiIRKTO EXECUTE. AND ATTE.ST"I'O A CONT'RACTWITH MW CONTRACTORS, INC., FOR HE ENE',RGsY EFT'IC11"INCY AND CONSE'RVATION 13LOCK GRANT (ETC13CY) SIDEMALK PROJE"C"I; AUTHORIZING PAYMI`NTOFA SUM OF FOUR HUNDREM F"IGHTY-TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-ONE" AND AND NO/ 100 DOLLA 1ZS ($482,47 1,00); MAKING OTI I ER PROVISIONS Rl"ILA1, ED THERETO; AND PROVIDING WHEREAS, tile, City of Baytown did advertise for bids for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EI:`CI3G) Sidewalk project to be received oil March 30,2011; and WHERE'AS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be publicly opened and read aloud %vas published pursuant to provisions orrexas Local Government Code Annotated § 25104l; and WHERFAS,all bids were opened and I)Ublicly read at City I ]all at 2:30 o'clock p,m., Wednesday, March 30,2011, as per published notice to bidders; NOW 'i-FIERHORI". BE ITORDAIN11-11") BY 'I Crry COUNCIL OFTFIEZCITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: section 1: That the City Council of tile City of Baytown hereby accepts tile bid of D&NV Contractors, Inc., for the Elnergy Efficiency, and Conservation Block Grant (EFIC13G) Sidewalk Project according to tile plans and specifications set forth by the City's engincer and authorizes payment of an amount ofFOUR HUNDRED il."i(Jirry-'rwo 'mOUSAND FOUR I HJ N DR I'D Sl-1VI"-1'NTY-ONI-. AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($482,47 1,00); base(] upon the unit prices specified in the bid, and tile City Manager and the City Clerk ofthe City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract with D&W Contractors, Inc., for the above-described project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements oftlic City's enginecrand appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions, of 'ex as Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That Pursuant to tile provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to aptirove any change order involving a decrease or ain increase in costs of' TWEINTY-FIVE' THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25'Mo) or decreased by rnore than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take elTect inimcdialely troin and after its Passage by the City Council of' tile City of Baytown, INT'RODUCE'D, Rt-AD ,in(] PASSFJ) by the affinmative vote ol'th VGily Council ofthe City of' Baytown this tile 14 -day ol'April, 2011, E AM-f T: rtl'�A'21B'k'Y �SCFJ C ity APPROVEID ASTO FORNI: ........... ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Cit ttorney STYTHEIN 1-1. DONCARLOS, Mayor